解锁了一个新成就:"The Junior"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prince"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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Hey y'all! Hope you're all doing okay. I know I've been gone for a while, but I'm still very grateful for all the love and support this channel has been receiving since its creation! I haven't really been feeling like making another JOI these past ten months, but here's a promise that Imma just throw out there: if this channel makes it to 1,500 subscribers or 1,000,000 views, I'm going to make another one -- and maybe a few more after that! Until then, try not to die of boredom, 'kay?
  • 52
解锁了一个新成就:"The Cinephile"
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JOI 3 Update #4

Alright folks, enough delaying and postponing. I shall resume my work on the new JOI tomorrow, so I can finally push it just a little closer to completion again. If I end up being really motivated tomorrow, I might even finish it! Although the finish line is still a couple of hours of work away from me at this point, it's been waaaay too long to just keep not doing anything like this all the time. Oh, also thank you so much for over 600 subscribers, and merry Christmas, everyone!! I'm really sorry for not having finished this, like, months ago, but I guess I just didn't have enough motivation for extra work of this sort left inside of me. Anywho, thank you all for your patience, and I'll probably post another update tomorrow! Until then, have a good day/ night! ❤️ 
  • 32
Looking forward to it ! : ) Also, super interested, what program do you use ?
  • 1
Any more updates?
  • 7
Sounds great! Happy new year and keep up the good work 😀
  • 1
Awesome, I can't wait 🙂
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解锁了一个新成就:"2 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prophet"
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JOI 3 Update #3

I have now officially left the image-gathering and sorting phase and have entered the editing phase of my third JOI video. It will take some more time for me to actually finish it, because it's going to be even longer than the second one [yes, I know, that's kind of overkill; probably gonna make some shorter ones in the future, too!  ;^; ]. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on it!! Have a good day/ night, y'all. ❤️                
  • 30
any new updates?
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i'm wait your new joi!!
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No worries dude! Life happens, im thankfull for all your hard work! Hope you feel better soon and have a wonderfull holiday season
  • 0
feel better soon!
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is the joi still in the works uwu
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Aaa honestly can't wait hnng
  • 6
sending encouragement and motivations uwu
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ooo I see 🙂 thanks for letting us know
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can't wait 😀
  • 2
me neither
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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JOI 3 Update #2 (and thanks for 400 subscribers!!)

Okay, I have now selected 100+ images for the next JOI, and I've upscaled them for the sake of quality, too. I hope this amount of pictures will be enough, because I have something special planned for this one..~
Oh, also: thanks for 400 subs! Wow, I can't believe so many people enjoy my videos enough to crave more, hehe. Anyway, I'll try to finish this JOI by the end of next week! I'll have to go to work this weekend, sadly, so I'm probably not really going to have a lot of time to continue working on the JOI. I'll try my best, though. Have a nice day/ night! ❤️
  • 21
Take as loooong as you need, I'm sure the wait will be worth it 
  • 1
missing you bb
  • 1
oh lord yes
  • 1
Are 400 subs are well deserved! Thank you for the awesome videos you make~ :3
  • 0

JOI 3 Update #1

Alright, so I'll be gone on a trip until Friday next week, but since I'll have the weekend off after that, I might start working on the next JOI on Saturday or Sunday! Though I probably won't finish, I will try my best to get as much work done as I can in those two days, and then I will attempt to continue working on it on Wednesday and Thursday the week after that, as I'll have those two off as well. It'll take some time, but it'll certainly release sometime in the next couple of weeks! Stay tuned for more updates, but for now, I'm out for a couple of days. See ya & have a good day/ night! ❤️
  • 15
Cant wait for the next joi :3 will you ever make a futa one too? :p
  • 0


Holy , you guys are amazing. Thanks for all the views, the feedback, and the subs!! I really appreciate it. Never thought I would make it this far, but I'm really glad so many people enjoy my videos! When I uploaded my first JOI only two weeks ago, I had only 27 subscribers or so on this channel. Why? Well, I don't know. Point is, now they're 268. And I'm grateful for every single one of you! If anyone would like to support me by donating some money or whatever, please let me know. It's not like I really need it or anything, but it would sure as heck motivate me to make a lot more of these. Anyway, thank you all for your support & your comments, and I hope I'll be able to maintain or even improve the quality of my videos for as long as I'll keep making these. Have a good day/ night! ❤️
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I have a thing for 2D girls, boys, traps and JOI videos. I make some of the latter myself, too!

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