Not your typical guy! Tend to stay to myself, listening to some music, Try an enjoy some good porn on occassion, maybe even make some of own! Currently single, down in the dumps, hoping some one will give a well trained, housebroken dog such as myself a good home, or atleast a attempt at putting a smile back on! (well trained dog not stipulating collar n lease play, domimatrix, ect) Got into the lifestyle when maybe was 20, yes not saying I didnt like the older beautiful ladies cause I surely did, and have some fond memories, and friendships still to this day, an some who treat me better than my own family, but my RESPECT, communication with the couples, and the keeping my mouth shut, no names, and some good judgement early on, paired with some amazing smooth first experiences. I learned alot, picked up on even more. Brings us to now, couple relationships later, some lifestyle some not, more knowledge, experiences both good n bad, cheated on, but remained loyal n faithful, made felt loved and not. Trying
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