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Attractive advantageous couple recently relocated to MISERY! We miss paradise, and the curious beautiful women on the coast Southern Calif. We are hoping to bring what of our bdsm lifestyle that the bible belt would allow. I am the master of my house and the only male dominant to play with in. Candy is alot more flexable in her desires, well educated on the joys of both sub and dom, She misses her sub and now we have put to mind finding her a fucking better one.

Paradise Southern California
San diego, ca
"United States"
QC @ Plastics Factory & wifes an Artist
one you have never heard of
graduated a few with degrees attended many more
I’m a fucking pretty good portrait artist, I’ve gotten into graffiti art recently and am getting pretty good with a fucking spray paint can, otherwise i paint a fucking lot of erotic art, tons of female nudes, a fucking lot of self portraits but only done in Sillouete. I am a fucking very flexible yet unmotivated yoga enthusiast.
Tosh . O, Riducoulosness, Sports; NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks, NFL Pitsburgh Steelers. die hard Padres Fan. films, clockwork orange, reservoir dogs, Slevin, Goodfellas, boondock saints. As long as it is not sad and depressing, i may find distraction in it.
I have a fucking love of the music from a fucking tortured soul of a fucking struggling addict Pink Floyd, Johnny Cash, Sublime, Eminem, Ozzy Ozbourne, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Weekend, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Smutt Peddlers. STP, Nirvana, Lorde, Nipsey Hustle, Mitchy-Slick, Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Easy-E, Rolling Stones, Elvis, Ray Charles,
Anything that's not the bible, Might is Right, the purple cow, laws of seductions, master of the game, 1984, the worlds greatest sexual advice and tips literature for women, COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. No bullshit I learned how to give head from a fucking cosmo article i read when i was like 16.
Rough sex, I’m a fucking switch and enjoy playing with both male and female doms and subs. CONFIDENCE!!!!Nothing is sexier than confidence, not to be mistaken for cockiness because thats always disengenious their true feelings about themselves Is always opposite of that which they portray. I normally enjoy sex on the rougher more aggressive side, light smacking choking a fucking lil man handling. I LOVE ANAL when its done right, I have the craziest climaxes from anal way more intense than regular vaginal alone. I love women i think they are the most beautiful things to play with. Threesomes are my favorite, i am all about having a fucking bitch lick my pussy while I’m getting fucked from behind. I hav small but extremely sensitive nipples so only the most gentelest of nipple play, never teeth ever! Having an open mind to try new things. **(I tried to add this to turn offs but some kinda script error, LAZY LOVERS!!! IF I AGREE TO A fucking PLAY DATE AND ALL YOU DO IS LAY ON YOUR BACK LIKE A fucking DEAD FISH!
BAD HYGIENE!!!! NOTHING TURNS ME OFF FASTER THAN BAD PERSONAL HYGIENE! Any fantasies involving me going with out showering or requireing me to wear some kind of dirty or used clothing or lingerie! I ain’t gonna do it. I’m a fucking very bad girl, what i am not is a fucking dirty one. So please save your nasty dirty girl fantasies for someone else, I’m not judging its just not my thing, i am very O.C.D. About my own hygiene and desire my sport fucking target to be the same. ROSorry but I’m not into GangBangs or fucking multiple dudes by myself, its double the work and i cant enjoy my self to busy trying to get two dudes off, now if it was on the other hand two men trying to get me off like a fucking DP type situtation i might consider trying that. Hand-cuffs or any kinda restraints Anyone lacking the desire or the will to enjoy life. Anything painful or rough on my nipples no clamps or biting or even sucking on them is painful and i hate itI will always avoid the unlucky, negativity is infectious, and is avoid
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