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Vacuum On Penis Makes Me Cum. Yes you can use a Vacuum on Penis. Using a Vacuum Cleaner for Masturbation and Penis Enlargement is safe and works. Just follow my safety steps and watch my videos. have fun and enjoy. 1.Use a Wet Vac/ Shop Vac so you can't get electrocuted. If possible buy a new one just for your penis. 2.Use a clean Clear Tube added on so you can see whats going on. For Safety and Pleasure. 3.Make sure there is room for air to flow and not to tight around penis. You want the tube just a little bigger than your full erection. 4.Make Sure Balls don't get sucked in. It can hurt. That's why perfect tube size is important. Hold or tie back balls if need. 5.Use Lots of lubrication or natural oils on penis. I use natural coconut oil or olive oil. 6.Its best to enter tube erect or semi erect,slowly letting it pull you in with vacuum on. Enjoy your stretch and suck. Take your time & relax. Breathe and Flex Your Penis with Kegels (PC-Muscle and Pelvic Floor) against the suction. Cont-->

Using a Vacuum For Masturbation can be very Orgasmic That's Why using a WetVac or ShopVac is a must So that you can safely Ejaculate into it. You Will Feel vibrations and a strong suction pulling on your penis while inside the vacuum tube, making you cum, feeling it being sucked out of you. Vacuums are great for practicing male kegel exercises. Flexing your erection in the tube against the suction. When a guy does kegel exercises he will be able to flex & control erection movement. Really Giving you a great stretch and sucking you dry at same time. I have stayed in the tube for over an hour before flexing my penis. Flexing my dick against the suction is like tug of war inside the tube. Male Kegel Exercises and a strong PC Muscle and Pelvic Floor Allows a man to flex his penis and control erection movement and helps last longer. My penis is over 9 inches and strong from kegels and penis pumps. So i can take a strong suction and i've used vacuums for years, Without any problems. Cont-->
Vacuum on penis really increases flow, stamina, ability to last longer during sex, Stronger orgasms, stronger erections. With regular use you may even gain length and enlarge the head of penis. You will feel a good stretch, relax , breathe & squeeze your pc muscle and pelvic floor. You will feel your penis flex and move slightly at first, more over time & practice. Watch my 2 videos of me flexing kegels untill ejaculation inside the Vacuum tube. Have fun! Happy Vacuuming! www . vacuumonpenis . weebly . com
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