解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prince"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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NEW CHANNEL: https://rule34video.com/models/tao-lenai/

NEW CHANNEL: https://rule34video.com/models/tao-lenai/
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I will be uploading at this webpage from now on. You should be able to search by my name to find my videos and channel. If not, this is the link to the "Tao_Lenai Artist" related videos https://rule34video.com/models/tao-lenai/
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Since PornHub Thanos Snapped 11,000,000 videos and cleared out all non verified small video producers, I have moved my content.
I will be uploading to https://rule34video.com/members/21522/ from now on.
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I have some new recorded clips to work with, I just need to find time to compose another video.I lost some older videos unfortunately, but I can rehash old content to new vids at that point.
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Glad that your back!
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Thanks Dogdmg...Unfortunately PornHub didnt xD My vids are elsewhere since they out and deleted over 170 of them. 😥
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New Webpage

So I found a new site to upload my videos, Please head over to Rule34Video 🙂
I am under the same name as usual, it does not seem to have a size limit on upload, so I will maintain my uploads there instead. Now to begin the slow process of uploading.
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New update.

If E621 or Rule34.xxx allow me to upload videos like that I'll do it. I know .Paheal is more regimented in it's rules. 
I may also try shrinking down my videos to upload to NaughtyMachinima again. NaughtyMachinima was the original page I uploaded on, it just had upload limitations and occasionally had errors when uploading, I moved here because it allowed a better quality video upload, and it also had a more streamlined upload process. 
I know Xvids may be an option, but it limits reach unless I jump through a million hoops that I cant save as a preset, so uploading videos take 3-4 minutes a piece before I even hit upload (add in...that I have over 150 videos and that's a lot of time) and it's only 1 video at a time. 
I'll keep updating my feed here, but PH won't let me upload anymore. I'll be taking my revenue elsewhere. I'll upload the locations once I figure everything out, just be patient, I work in the health care industry, and it's COVID season and the Holiday season.
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This is it.

Welp...it's happened...my account was wiped of all videos, pictures....everything...all of it gone. Every last bit of it gone. 
Pornhub gives zero to creators, and could give two fucks that my videos are fictional 3d animations...meanwhile I see Faux- videos all over the place still. 
Pornhub doesn't care, doesn't matter, they like to stick it to the small creators...meanwhile actual problems are left unsolved until lawsuits are threatened. 
I'm moving to other pages. Maybe NaughtyMachinima will be my haven again, I'll need to shrink my video size though, and quality will suffer a bit. Sorry my friends, this was not my doing. Everything is gone from this account because PornHub honestly couldn't give two .
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My new channel...https://rule34video.com/members/21522/
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I'll upload the locations once I figure everything out, just be patient, I work in the health care industry, and it's COVID season and the Holiday season.
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I know Xvids may be an option, but it limits reach unless I jump through a million hoops that I cant save as a preset, so uploading videos take 3-4 minutes a piece before I even hit upload (add in...that I have over 150 videos and that's a lot of time) and it's only 1 video at a time.I'll keep updating my feed here, but PH won't let me upload anymore. I'll be taking my revenue elsewhere. I'll upload the locations once I figure everything out, just be patient, I work in the health care industry
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If E621 or Rule34.xxx allow me to upload videos like that I'll do it. I know .Paheal is more regimented in it's rules.I may also try shrinking down my videos to upload to NaughtyMachinima again. NaughtyMachinima was the original page I uploaded on, it just had upload limitations and occasionally had errors when uploading, I moved here because it allowed a better quality video upload, and it also had a more streamlined upload process.I know Xvids may be an option, but it limits reach unless I
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You could go to E621 if you needed, there are up to 10 minute videos there and I know a /lot/ of people would enjoy your videos.
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other sites to consider could be rule34.xxx or .paheal not sure how uploading videos works there but ive seen plenty
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Literal MILLIONS of videos removed, TENS OF THOUSANDS of accounts wiped...the amount of ad revinue my page brought in for them through my videos?The fact that my stuff was not , was not a problem? No they decided to purge it...and I guess Xvids is starting to go the same route as well.
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It goes to show where they're priorities are, they wiped out everyone who wasn't affiliated with this site
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As time goes on, the more my videos dwindle, and get removed. If only PornHub gave half the  to the videos that actually law and peoples personal rights that they give focus on my 3d animations involving 100% fictional non living characters...
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My new channel is this. https://rule34video.com/members/21522/
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Not really my kind of thing Albeon.
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What are you going to do? Why don’t you open a twitter acc?
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Looks like it's not getting better

Unfortunately PornHub isn't letting me keep my videos around, either someone is flagging them on purpose, or the site wants them gone...Leave it to a webpage that makes millions to remove 3d animations as opposed to videos and uploaded against the wills of actual living breathing human beings. The page refuses to remove videos to the point that legal action has been threatened, and yet they keep those videos up until the word "Lawsuit" is brought up in a serious manner...probably because they pull in a large sum more money opposed to my videos that range between 5,000-75,000 views a piece...all of which are 3d models, all of which are animations, all of which are not real living breathing human beings. A couple of my videos I can understand, but to mark a 3d model and animation as "" to have it removed, when there is video capture of simulated r**e so close to the truth it can be hard to watch allowed to stay up simply because the video studio has real people who agreed to the consent... --- ...I'm sorry but my character is a character, a 3d model, she is not real, this is just as "simulated" and "false" as those videos, if not more so given it's a flipping video game. --- I'll be taking my uploads to X Vids. I'll continue to try and upload here, but this page will eventually end up taken down at this rate. If you want to watch some kind of skyrim smut, then head to the x vids page instead. Naughty Machinima doesn't allow for large enough upload size per video to allow me upload without sacrificing video quality unfortunately. --- It looks like my videos will not be allowed to remain uploaded for more than a couple of hours or days before they are flagged and removed. I will be moving to a competitors site at this rate. They can have my ad revenue instead. I'll try and upload here, but honestly I don't see anything coming of it. They will just keep getting flagged and removed. --- Videos ranging between 5 and 75k views a piece, if they don't want me no harm on it, I'll go elsewhere, It's just a 3d animation.
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I have done that multiple times. It does not work. I still cannot find you.
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You put it on the end of the xvids address...you do realize that Pornhub blocks the use of external links to cometitor sights....I can't link the Xvid webpage here...It does work, it does send you to the website, it DOES work on multiple computers...You need to copy paste /profiles/tao_lenai at the end of the xvids web address...
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That's not a link, nor does it work. Still don't know where you are currently uploading
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Make sure to link your Xvids page
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Targeting Animations?

Pornhub has been removing animated videos...marking them for " acts." I mean...they're 3d models animated...and at the very worst are no different than the simulated Live action videos. I have no idea why my videos are being targeted, nor do I know if it's someone reporting my videos because they don't like the content, but it's coming to the point that half of my videos are taken down before they've even been up for an hour or two. I see simulated  on this website, I see piercings, and actual , but for some reason my clips of a fictional Khajiiti girl seem to be the target here?
If this keeps up I just have to end up taking my uploads and pornhubs ad income elsewhere.
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Hope things work out for you
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