I will pay for Grazy video
1) I'm bored, I have time and I will check every friend request. If you meet the criteria under my profile description you will be accepted, otherwise don't lose your time or mine as I will block you if you keep adding me over and over again.
2) I don't care if you're a girl, dog or alien. I don't care if you're going to upload someday, if you've had a banned account or if you're the devil himself: if you don't have proper videos you won't be accepted.
3) If your account has over or age and you only have a handful of videos I can only assume you're a leecher and you won't get accepted either. Videos shorter than 5 minutes will be automatically ignored, free demo videos will also be ignored. Post full length content or don't even bother checking my profile.
4) If you're not happy with what you see feel free to unfriend me, if you come to my profile to complain about anything or send me direct messages about specific videos I might own I will unfriend you right away. Everything I have is posted here, if you don't see it that means I don't have it - most of the time I do, but I'm not willing to post here for copyright infringement reasons.
5) I'm not your sex slave, therefore I have no obligations with your fetishes whatsoever plus I couldn't care less if you need to fulfill your addiction. That's your problem, not mine.