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P0rn tales part 7

"3".... He commanded proudly
She hung on his every word and the bed as the strokes became firmer and deeper.
"2".... She could almost her his breath leaving him.
And now the silence felt like the loudest thing in the room she was begging for that last number. But in reality the slapping of his and her body was most likely the loudest thing in the entire hotel at that moment.
"1".... He shouted and unloaded deep inside her, the pressure of his cum and his final thrust tipped her over and she exploded all over him. She screamed and let herself go, her body convulsing with pleasure around him and twitching with every movement and squeeze.
They both let out a massive breathe and with that he scooped his arms around her and pulled her as he rolled onto the bed to spoon and hold her. Cock still inside. She knew the mess that lay between her legs but it felt good.
He gently stroked her hair and kissed her neck as they both lay there catching their breath.
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P0rn tales part 6

But he wasn't done with her as soon as she had swallowed and gained some composure he had her by the ankles pulling her to the end of the bed, fl ipping her over while sliding a pillow underneath her.
She knew this was it this was the moment she was waiting for he positioned himself and inch by inch entered her, each inch felt like a foot as his c0ck filled her deeper and deeper. The ache from the earlier activities subsided by pure pleasure of having him inside her. Inch by inch he filled her until she was convinced nothing more could be left and then somehow another inch further slid in. Just as she took him all inside her, he cra cked an almighty spank on her right butt ch eek making her vault forward.
Each stroke felt deeper a fuller than the last over and over he took her making her ass bounce off him. Every once in a while showing his pure enjoyment of being inside her with an increasingly ha rder spank.
He worked her over and over and just as she thought she was getting there and he would finish, he gra bbed hold of her pony tail fo rcing her to arch her back. She'd never been taken so deep and never been so free with her control. Over and over he pressed inside her until she heard the whisper she'd been waiting for.....
"Cum with me" he moaned, it was enough to make her exp lode instantly but she held
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P0rn tales part 5

He now had two fingers inside her pressing on her gspot faster and faster and she could feel the build up coming. All the time he had one hand holding her head/hair guiding her into his manhood. Taking him deeper and faster.
Each stroke and pressure on her gspot was met with a stroke of his cock in her mouth. Faster and faster.
She could feel the pressure building. Inside her, but she was also focused on the job in hand.
Faster and faster he worked her pussy building up the pressure over and over, she could feel how wet she was and loved every second of it.
Until a moment of no return came, just as she thought her pussy just couldn't hold out any more, his little finger slid in behind her the added pressure and all the build up meant she couldn't hold out anymore and she came/squirted everywhere. Feeling her lose control to his touch he equally exploded inside her mouth. And both released together and let out a song of moaning.
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P0rn takes part 4

It was like the rin ging of a b ell... "Ting" and he was off, his tongue sli ding over and down her clit, reaching each and every fold, before hi tting the entrance to work its way back. By now she was wet and aching down there each touch was pure ecstasy. She wriggled and moaned as with precision he flicked the tip of his tongue over her wet cl it. His fingers still holding onto her hips and brea sts teasing her ni pples with a subtle pi nch. As he worked her faster and harder with his mouth she rocked and pressed into him.
This was the sign he was waiting for he moved his hand from her hip, simultaneously sucking her clit into his mouth holding it between his teeth with enough pressure to stop her esc aping. His finger slid to her entr ance, running circles and easing around. She wanted to climb on his finger and force it deeper but she was pi nned and he wouldn't let her have it.
And with that came the tell tale flick, his tongue brushed over her clit in his mouth and his finger slid inside him. Pressing against her gsp ot, she let out a gasp and more moans and he entered her.
Each flick of his tongue was met with a press on her gsp ot. Over and over working her up. He kept the pace steady and rhythmical. Each stroke bring her closing and closer. Time and time again she wriggled and time and time again he kept the steady pace just working her up and up. Until her body took over and she had to release.
She closed her eyes and moaned and with a sha king invol untary orgasm she was done. Finished he still had her clit in his mouth and being the sa distic ba stard he was flicked it causing even further body shakes.
"So are you going to f ck me now" she gasp finally getting her breath.
He release her clit leaving his finger inside her.
"Yes he replied but not how you expect"
He slid a second finger into her and shifted on the bed so he was next to her, releasing himself from his b0xers she got her first look at his thick firm c0ck, it wasn't a size to be scared of but it definitely wasn't a size to be messed with the girth alone could tell you that. He reached round and grabbed her head, she realised just in time what he wanted her to do and opened happily to accept him in her mouth.
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P0rn tales part 3

She could feel his breathe aga inst her body the warmth causing tin gling in the air conditioned room. As he sl id further down her body her pan ties went with him. Each kiss resulting in them move further and further down her legs. Until without even realising she was sliding out of them.
Her freshly sha ved legs still tightly sec ured within her stoc kings not that he seemed to mind. Now he was moving backup her body. Starting with her calves, up to her tights over and around.
He was just playing with her now, she knew it was just a matter of time but the anticipation and urge was taking cont rol. Each touch and each kiss (which was placed closer and closer) resulting in invol untary movements of her body and legs. He was now on the top of her thigh one hand reaching up to her esca ped bre asts and ni pples the other teasing and playing with her hip.
The kissing worked it's way around and was replaced with ever so gentle lic king as he teased her area, just running over and around but refusing to la nd on her cl it/sl it no matter the movement and wrigg ling she tried to encourage it. She'd almost given up and embraced the t0rture when suddenly his tongue h it...
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P0rn tales part 2

She lay there dazed waiting for his next move and watched with awe as he undid his be lt, letting his jeans drop to his ankle and in one smooth move he stepped out of them while taking off his shirt.
She was fixated as he stepped across the room coming for her with only his b0xers hiding what was in store. She lay there like a rabbit in headlights this chiseled hunk of a man was all hers. And she would gladly give herself up to be his.
As he grew closer she couldn't contain her excitement and let out a smirk and a little giggle. He jumped onto the bed and pinned her whispering "What you laughing at?" Flustered she tried to dismiss it.... "Nothing. Just happy"
He gave her a wink and immediately climbed on top to continue kissing, she reached round grabbing her claws into his back and wrapping her legs around him. She pulled her body towards as he pressed up against her. She could feel him fully pressing through his b0 xers against her, it made her feel alive as he pressed into her. She started rocking and pushing against him letting him know she wanted him.
He moved her hair away from her neck and started kissing and biting. She released her arms and lay back and he immediately pinned both hands above her head. Why was this so hot she thought. But that thought immediately disappeared as his mouth moved down her body. Kissing and biting as he ran across her beating ch est, he released her brea sts from her br a so both n ipples sat above and instantly kissing and biting them, with the perfect amount of softness and pa in to make her fli nch.
Down further his head went across her belly kissing and playing with her side making her wriggle with anticipation and tickle-ment. As he moved down he worked over her hips gently easing the lace over and down with a combination of mouth and finger tips.
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P0rn tales

She strolled along the corridor of the hotel, wearing her highest heels and favourite little black dress, long stockings.... She knew she was looking s3xy, she felt s3xy.... room 4 1 6, room 4 1 8.... Room 4 2 0. This was it... She wasn't sure what to expect. **Knock knock** she sheepishly knocked the door and as she waited patiently for it to open, nervous butterflies and dread filled her stomach.
Then in an instant the door swung open, and a huge Cheshire cat smile greeted her....Come in.... he said in a gruff voice only a northern could have. She smiled and entered, looking round the room she could just about see the view out the window it was beautiful she could see across the city and river.
Suddenly she felt a tug on her arm, just as she heard the door close... Uh oh.
Then she was pressed up against the wall, his lips pressing deep against her, his hips moving in to pin her, her hand raised above her head, just one to begin with but she knew the drill and instantly obliged by raising the other. He grabbed both wrists with one of his huge paws and pressed further with his embrace. She gave up c0ntrol willingly, giving her body and soul in that moment as her legs became weak, his grip the only thing holding her up in the moment.
His spare hand, wrapped around her cheek and head, then held that embrace for what felt like forever to her. She was ac hing to get into the bed, just to sit down. It was a long walk from the train station but he held her tightly. Then his wandering hand moved down first round her back, sliding to the zip on the back of her dress, in one smooth motion he began unzipping and scratching her back at the same time. Leaving her wriggling and squirming with pleasure. He stopped kissing for a second to bite and nibble her neck. Making her wriggle even more. Finally his hand slid further down her, to the bo ttom of her dress. She widened her stance to allow her more access and give herself too him... She felt every touch with heightened emotion as he ran his fingers up the inside of her thighs. Ever so gently ever so softly, she tried not to flinch but it was too hard not too.... As he got closer and closer up her leg she could feel the warmth she was giving off. She wanted him so badly she wanted this.
Just as she thought he'd touch her... His hand dropped to her dress and in one agonisingly slow motion he lifted it... Up and up over her beautifully embroided panties, over her extremely expensive bra and over her head and arms.
She stood there in the state of undress and he just looked at her and smiled "oh how I've missed you baby" picking her up and carrying her across the room and dumping her on the bed........
Xx let me know what you think. Xx
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Thank you. I have mark two but porn hub banned word filter is driving me crazy
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ughhh,,, this just reminded me of how much i love sex stories, yours was great 🌚💕😻
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I like to think I'm a bit of a kinky word Smith, my filth knows no limits. Try me, and I bet I can get you in the mood.

"United Kingdom"
Interested in filth, filth and more filth. Just want someone to talk filth and play with.
Teasing, playing and chatting filth. I'm a Dom at heart but like to mix it up
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