good evening, in connection with the incident on this site, do you have any saved videos on the topic "赤蛮奇", if so, can I count on providing a download link!?
In order to carefully select the videos I like, I deleted people who do not have videos or who are not interested in videos from their friends. I'm really sorry. If there is a video you are interested in, I will apply for a friend.
現時点で有料ではないプライベートの動画を一部公開します。音声の方は全て有料なのでそのままです。We will publish some private videos that are not paid at this time. All voice is charged, so it remains as it is.
あと、音声を動画化させるオススメのソフトとか教えて頂きたいです。今使っているFilmore9では変なテロップが出てしまうからです。(例:小さくなぁれ2)Also, I would like to know the recommended software for converting audio into video. This is because the Filmore 9 I'm using now produces strange telops. (Example: Be small 2)