I'm a people-centered creator with a focus on possibilities and a contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people and activities. Energetic, warm, and passionate, I love to help other people explore their creative potential. I'm curious about others and preoccupied with discovering the deeper meaning in people and ideas. I seek authentic experiences and often seek emotional intensity. I prize individuality and often consider the pursuit of happiness to be the highest priority in life, both for myself and for others. I'm easily bored by details and repetition and seek out situations that offer an escape from the mundane. Novelty is attractive to me, and I have a wide range of interests and friends from many backgrounds. I place great importance on personal freedom and self-expression, and want to be able to go wherever inspiration leads. I'm an agile and expressive communicator, using my wit, humor, and mastery of language to create engaging stories. Imaginative and original, I have a strong artistic side.
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