Many of my videos are not backed up.
So, 10 million videos have been deleted...for what? Because a tiny percentage featured cruelty etc? Then why not delete and ban these videos and it's users and let the others continue? 99% of all videos were harmless. This site now only allows videos by big studios and models, so it's preety much useless for anything aside from convential and dull porn. All my neck videos which I paid a lot of money to make, and wanted to share with fellow neck lovers...are now gone. All my fellow friends who also had good videos, are gone.
We were just starting to build a neck fetish community on here, and now it's been ruined. For what? So Pornhub can appear as radical? No, it's just another example of how this world has become so serious and 'PC' Everything is so sensitive nowadays.
This site has just itself. It will be dead within six months because there is nothing attractive about it anymore. Well done Pornhub 🙂. You're site will be ruined, but atleast you're radical huh? Lol.
I only hope we can create a new neck fetish haven somewhere on another website,but we all know how much harder it's becoming to find new neck fetish content now ;(. If anyone is equally as sad about this as I am and would like to share videos between us, or start a community, then please let me know 🙂
Well, it was fun while it lasted