解锁了一个新成就:"The Junior"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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Reminder to download Free porn

Just a reminder that my PMVs are downloadable for free on the Mega link below. The link Expires Dec. 31st, 2021 so if you want the videos at their original quality here's your chance.

decryption PASSWORD: 4Y0uRV13wInGPl3AzUrr3

Enjoy 😉

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The Last Hurrah

Hi peoples,
For anyone who's bothered checking my page again after all this time, I'm glad you enjoyed my PMVs enough to check back. I enjoyed making them, and it was really cool seeing peoples reactions to them. That said, I've decided not to make any more PMVs for the foreseeable future. I made them for fun, and as a way to practice my editing skills, but I'd rather move on to other things than deal with Pornhub's new way of doing things, or finding another website to create an account on. I might change my mind down the line, but for now this is goodbye. That said, I did make 2 new PMVs that I didn't get to post here pre-purge, and since I still want to show them to you all, I'm going to post a Mega link here with all my PMVs (including the new ones) for you to download as you wish. The link is TIME-LIMITED, but I'm giving everyone until December 31st, 2021, so should be a lot of time, and I'm sure people might re-post them occasionally places. The link has a decryption PASSWORD: 4Y0uRV13wInGPl3AzUrr3
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It's a tradegy to lose you man, you were great.
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This is the end...

Hey people,
I know I'm a bit late to the party learning about this whole Pornhub purge, but obviously my vidoes are down with the rest of them. I know it's been a long time since I posted my last video, but I did have some in the works. Sadly, it doesn't look like I'll be putting them up. I still have to look into what Pornhub requires for uploads now. Perhaps I'd have to verify my account or something... not really sure I'd want to bother, but I'll look into it. For now; sadly, it would be best to assume I won't. If you want to stay subscribed, feel free to. If I do change my mind and figure out a way to repost you'll find out that way I guess. Otherwise, it's been fun posting my PMVs and seeing how people reacted to them. Also have to wonder how PH is going to deal with CC in the future... if they change their methods and are more restrictive then that'll make my decision harder.
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PMV down...

So yesterday (according to the notification date) one of my PMVs was taken down. This time disturbingly claiming n*n-consen***l content (which I very much would not post). It was probably my most viewed PMV, and while it was about rough stuff (some people claimed it was too mild), it wasn't (to my knowledge) n*n-consen***l. Most of my video are compilations featuring major players porn-wise and while I know the industry has a shady side... I think they'd have taken down the video sooner if that was the case. I'm guessing it was some troll who falsely reported it... guess it'll be a private video now. If I do find out that anything in my videos was n*n-consen***l that video will be taken down for good. In other news... I'm still crawling along with the future PMVs... almost wrapping up one, and have a good start on 2 more.
UPDATE: So trying to re-up the video to Private had it flagged again. I'm not sure the exact reason, but seeing at it was done so quickly makes me question the veracity of the claim more. Since I don't know what it's flagging exactly I can't really look into solving the flagged issue, or to even find out what the problem is so I don't run into it in the future. If there is content in the video that is a problem I would like to know what it is so I don't use it again... that said, all I can do now is keep it offline. Basically the Rough PMV is down for good. I'm pretty sure I have the download options open for anyone, so I hope whoever liked it downloaded it. Otherwise... you'll all just have to live with the stuff that's still on here 😥
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Hey man, I've worked for a PMV really hard too and it got flagged down and deleted as well (it was hentai too). I feel your pain buddy. Hopefully you can manage something, love your work! If your life gets in the way of making these, then by all means take a break! Enjoy it, you don't have to make PMV's, it's like a hobby. Good luck!
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Crushing Hopes & Dreams...

Hi people,
I'm sorry I haven't posted any new videos in a long time. I am working on it a few videos, but they are slow going :/. I want to put out some new stuff, but I don't want to/can't rush them either. I'm not much for doing updates like this too much (obviously), but I just put something on the Kinky PMVs playlist by mistake and wanted to tell people that it wasn't intentional, and I'm sorry but it's not a new video. I can't seem to edit any of my public playlists, and I contacted support about it. I'll remove the video when I can though. Lol, I wanted to put it into "watch later" so I don't know what's on it yet... but felt like I should explain what happened for anyone who was disappointed that it wasn't a new PMV. Anyways, I hope you are all keeping on alright, and staying safe 🙂
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Hello 2020

For the people who liked the rimjob pmv I did a while back... it recently got removed. So I had to switch it over to private. Friends can still view it, and I accept friend requests automatically. C'est la vie unfortunately, and while I support creators protecting their work, I don't see the harm in borrowing/promoting their work for free. I see it as kinda "fan art".
I've been meaning to finish puting together a couple projects for a long time now. These last few months have been crazy, and I've kept transitioning between not having time, or not feeling inspired.... so, sorry for everyone who's wanted a new pmv lately. I want to get some new ones out myself. While I don't think it wise to set a date for the next one, I do want to let you know that I plan on making more.
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Yet Another Update

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the delay on the PMVs I mentioned last time. I sort of underestimated how crazy the end of last month and this month are/will be. I did manage to get the shorter vanilla-style PMV done, and I just uploaded that. It's bubbly/energetic and simple yet sexy. It's a more straight forward PMV than some of the ones I've done, and I really struggled with the title so I ended up going with a very generic one this time around. I hope you guys/gals like it, I'm going to try to see if I can't get the other one done sometime next week, but I can't make any promises.
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Update!! Finally...

Hi everyone,
I've been quiet for a while here... Life and so on, and a bit of creative "meh" feelings. That said, I've finished and just uploaded a Tribute PMV that I hope you'll enjoy. In the spirit of the star it's about it's a bit kinky, so I'm sorry if it's not your deal. That said, good news *probably*. I'm working on two other PMVs that I hope to upload sometime this month. One's again on the kinky/taboo note, but the other is a bit more tame, because it's nice to have some contrast in flavor 😜. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the new PMV and the next two when they're out.
Thanks for watching :],
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解锁了一个新成就:"2 year old account"
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Recruiting for the good of 3D smut 😜

Hi people,
Just a quick something I'd like to put out in the universe... StudioFOW is creating a game for release on Steam. I don't know if any of you guys/girls are into 3D animated perversions but if you are they are top notch. If you visit their website: https://studiofow.com/ you can learn more about the game, and whether or not you want to pitch in on supporting it. I'm not getting anything for saying this stuff. I'm just a fangirl who wants to see them get the support they need to make some really awesome smut 🙂. Regarding my own stuff.. I'm muling over some ideas and will probably start on something new soon. Until then... happy fapping 🙂
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I'm undeniably perverted, and enjoy making PMVs (porn music videos) for fun. I am NOT here to hook-up or make friends. So please don't expect me to be very social. But I do hope people enjoy the videos I post.

© sex-porn.cc, 2024