P0rnhub has become messed up...
I'm sure a bunch of you have already noticed this, but this website ain't what it used to be. Over the past few weeks I've been trying to contact them about the removal of a bunch of my videos, and they left me hanging without a response for more than a month. It's incredibly frustrating. Today I logged in to find that my content had pretty much all been removed, without so much as a notification. Some of my videos were up for YEARS without issue. Hundreds of thousands of views. I have over 1,000 subscribers and have NEVER caused any drama, criticized the company, or promoted my work on any other platform. To make matters weirder, they removed a video, the "Puppy Play " one, that they'd previously promoted in their Gay section. This makes zero sense to me. What makes even less sense is that they've given me no notification about deletions this time, and as with the first wave of removals, I've had to hear it from fans that anything happened. For some reason they left the Pig Play video up, which makes literally no sense seeing as how it's the exact same thing as my other stuff was. It's just mean. It's mean, makes no sense, and it's absolutely destroyed this hobby of mine. Hundreds of nice comments that I'll never get back. The THRILL of seeing that thousands of people were logging on to see something that I worked hard to create. This website used to support artistic and sexual freedom, but without warning it's turned around and robbed me of my labor. It's support staff don't even have decency to respond. I'm hurt and angry. So I'm moving to greener pastures, unless they do the right thing and restore my content. You can find me on a site called "thisvid" under the username "Skunker Daddy". If you can't find me there, look up CapricornSkunk on Furaffinity and send me a message. Love you guys so fucking incredibly much, and thank you for all of the amazing support and encouragement you've given me these past few years. I don't want to use another website but they've basically kicked me out. Catch you on the flipside. https://thisvid (dotcom) /members/1490830/ is where you'll be able to find your HypnoSkunk! I'll keep responding to messages here for as long as I can!