Hello, I am just a dude who enjoys his own sexuality and has a bit of an exhibitionist streak. Paradoxically I also enjoy my privacy so please don't ask for personal details. I consider myself pan as I do find all sorts sexually appealing, however I have little intrest in encounters with random dudes (digtail or IRL). I've had too meny experiences where guys have just been rude, demanding, gross, entitled jerks. Puts a fellow off you know. I'm fat but fare past caring about it. If I lose weight it will be becuase being lighter is a bit more physically comfortable not becuase I feel I have to vaildate myself by meeting some standerd. I am very healthy thank you very much. I have had a pretty minium amount of IRL sexual encounters. Mostly becuase I'm fare too selfconscience of making someone uncomfortable with my adavances. I'm pretty well versed in digtail kink though. I have a very large penis and enjoy having it (and get off on it) a quite abit. Besides that it just sorta is and doesn't really define me.
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