
Cock FAQ

Q:Why do you have a FAQ for your dick?
A:I've cammed intermittently for years and have been asked all these meny meny times. Figured I'd just that out of the way here.
Q:How long is it?
A:Bone press: around 10 inches (yes, really)
To skin: around 8.5 inches (it varies a bit with my weight)
Q:How thick is it?
A:Shaft: 5.75 Head: 6 ( though the shaft is more oval than cricle so it's 2 inches wide)
Q:How big soft?
A:5-7 inches long 4.5 inches around
Q:Why is it cruved like that? Is it a disease? Did you break it?
A:No, it's just an unaually cruved cock. I rather like it.
Q: Do you have truble getting it up?
A:Not even a little.
Q: Does it fit in your underwear, pants, etc?
A:Yes, and I don't even really show much of a bulge (big fat legs and all). The only thing my size has cuased fitting issues with is sex toys. For example I had to mod the cock pump I wanted with an exention.
Q: Do you cum big?
A:Under the right conditions I can be quite the cannon. However day in and day out its pretty avregae.
Q:Has a woman ever taken it all?
A:No, I actually have to be pretty careful not to painfully bump thier cervix (This has a quite small sample size though.)
Q:Can you self suck?
A: A bit. It's a lot of effort though and it's too uncomfortable to be pleasurable.
A: I am, but when soft it has so much to spare it can look like I have a foreskin sometimes.
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Any chance of making your videos public again? Or a possible place to see you cam if you still do?
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Are you in Toronto by chance? Really like to meet you sometime. God you are perfection.
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i really want to see a video of you cumming
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"2 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"Miss/Mister Popularity"
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解锁了一个新成就:"1 year old account "
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Hand Held"
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解锁了一个新成就:"Premium Corporal"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Sophomore"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Mugshot"
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cumming soon.

I plan to start posting some pics and vids again soon. Just really been in the mood for it lately. Just gonna wait till the razor burns I got from shaving my pubes clears up.
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What’s up
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Hello, I am just a dude who enjoys his own sexuality and has a bit of an exhibitionist streak. Paradoxically I also enjoy my privacy so please don't ask for personal details. I consider myself pan as I do find all sorts sexually appealing, however I have little intrest in encounters with random dudes (digtail or IRL). I've had too meny experiences where guys have just been rude, demanding, gross, entitled jerks. Puts a fellow off you know. I'm fat but fare past caring about it. If I lose weight it will be becuase being lighter is a bit more physically comfortable not becuase I feel I have to vaildate myself by meeting some standerd. I am very healthy thank you very much. I have had a pretty minium amount of IRL sexual encounters. Mostly becuase I'm fare too selfconscience of making someone uncomfortable with my adavances. I'm pretty well versed in digtail kink though. I have a very large penis and enjoy having it (and get off on it) a quite abit. Besides that it just sorta is and doesn't really define me.

The city of Townsville
Meny and varius.
I have eclectic taste in music but don't listen nearly as much as I should. Daftpunk is pretty rad.
Too meny to count. Mostly shlock.
Pretty reliable size fetish. Big boobs (natural or augmented), big muscles (on men or weman), big cocks (on men or weman), big butts, big clits, big orgasms, big toys. You get the idea. However I still find pretty much all body types apealing. Though I tend not to go for older men. I like showing off and will form time to time when I want to feel particularly sexy. Toys are great fun. I have a nice little collection. Pump. fleshlight. prostate massagers, a couple dildos (though I've yet to mangae p spot orgasm), rings and straps, vibes. When it comes to porn the stuff that really gets me going is things that really feel genuine or spontaneous, or where it's clear a damn good time is being had. A light mood and cheerful conversation is also a plus.
My turn offs -Demanding and/or rude randos -Being called "Daddy" or simlar -Demeaning dirty talk (giving or reciving) -Racism, Sexism, Homophobia or other genreal shityness. -Gagging (Not turn offs but also not turn ons) -Feet stuff -S&M play (Bondage can be pretty neat though) -Furries -Role play/costumes -Hariness
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