Walk, Compute, Unfree Politics, Cock, Develop, Criticize, Stay in Shape,
It´s Complicatet like Hearst but atm : Grimes and geting out with don´t konw
Freiheit die sie Meinen (Unfinished, Particially), The Tipler (for a Joke)
Kinda Black Things, Kinky Things, That comes into my Mind, Maybe and they´d know
Resist without Deformation, Black Things, Things that Turn off if they don´t you kinda don´t get it becaus, Things like Porn that are made to be ... but non get´s it mow right or .. , Pseudo zugehöriges Nachgeäffe um zu Zerstören und nur selbst, Egoisms schwer zu fassen was ich mein. Sicknessess everyone drifts away here would could need help or us a Abwehrmechanismus.