I'm very strage mix. On one side i have master degree in cultural heretig. And on onother i'm a boxing and kickboxing treinar (only 2 times a week). Love all combat sports,and wild primary instincts. Love to be in a dirty, horny, smoked city. And make orgies. On the other hand love culture,animals,nature. Love to be gentle with one woman. To be romantic and make new cute names for each other. And after that to go to the next horny and use kristal meth plus Viagra. :D True :(
Love 90's move. My favorite is Natural Born Killers . And True Romance, Pulp Fiction. Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone. Don't forget peaks and David Lynch. Now just Game of thrones . So boring decade .
Korn,Limp Bizkit and only one new artist die antwoord
All Remarque,All George R. R. Martin(1000 worlds and Fire and Ice),Marquis de Sade -Justine,Philosophy in the Bedroom. oOooo and "The perfume" of course
Perv girl,woman . Soft skin,gentle legs ,qute belly ,nice round ass. All beautifull tipe of tits -round and up,small and cute,big and soft even good fake ones.Lingerie . Girl forms . ans so so much more.
Bad character in women . To argue for nothing and talk lout ,or to be arrogant. In general mix between cobra and bitch- BICHOBRAs or Cobrich :D