Hiya. My name is Justice. I'm a male, can you believe that? Uhh.. Shoot, what else is there to mention about me? I'm a STRAIGHT Male, with a extremely perverted/dirty mind when I want to be. (Go figure, right?) || I'm.. admittedly under-experienced when it comes to sex, or foreplay for that matter. Heck, to be honest, I still don't even know what really "Drives Me Wild" Life hasn't expected provided me with many opportunities to explore and learn. >.> (The downsides to being a hermit..) As such, Sex in general is a very new thing for me. (Yayyyy) || There is ONE THING however that I know I love, and, that's a nice pussy to the face. ^_^ All day. Everyday. I.. Don't really know how "Good" or "Bad" I am at eating a woman out, but, Definitely got the passion to learn :D Beyond that? I'm extremely open to many things, and have the mindset of "Try it Before You Knock It" || I don't expect to upload many videos, since, sexual encounters are extremely rare. That's about all I know what to say for an about me. xD
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