Hi, thanks for viewing our profile..... We are not into having a lot of friends and wink'ers as we find winkers are often wank.... Unfortunatly there are so many picture collectors, SINGLE Guys pretending to be couples and time wasters who also like to Wank.... That we are carefull who we say boo too xx This is like the t.v programme naked attraction where you see all the goods , like what you see and head off into the woods... I'm Lushious Lol or Mrs Bear to those we dont quite know, he's Damo Bear together we have unbelievable twice nightly regular sex with many of my toys! Gadgets and allsorts I'm a EB Manager and he's a drain on the system, We have been together for over , But known each other for over 30 so not much to fear, i thought, until Bear comes out with what about the rear....so we had a go and in the end it was him who was in tears! We come as a couple,we are no trouble,four in the bed the numbers are doubled......... He has an average size cock and told its a grower,
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