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I am always traveling, always searching for new experiences...

 ...I have travelled many, many, leagues, and I have seen wondrous things.
Sometimes I toss upon the ocean, sometimes I fall upon a slumbering flower...
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Proof that I spend too much time alone...

I want to create memories that last a lifetime.
I want to make an impression on the world, not a couch.
I want to dream about unrealistic goals, and make them my reality.
Will You Join me?
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AHaiku4u:- Oct 2019

We, us, travel bound. /
My heart treads gently towards you, /
a cherished beacon .
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Clearing the Air Part III

I love women. I really love women.
In my lifetime the roles for women in relationships and sex have constantly evolved.
The worldwide modern woman is much more aware of her sexuality and this has allowed any woman to have the choice to decide if she willingly wants to give herself and her sexual "power" to someone she can trust.
In return, she expects her partner to accept that act of submission as a gift of trust that cannot be .
It is not all about BDSM, D/s, fetishes, or any of the many sexual descriptions because some women are into plain vanilla sex. Don't get me wrong, plain vanilla sex is good too and is still covered by the same rules.
Every woman that has been in any kind of relationship with me has been a great friend before, during, and after the sexual part of our relationship. Women do not need to feel shame or guilt for expressing and experiencing their sexuality. As men we need to be aware of the depth of pleasure that is available to us when we stop thinking in negative terms of "whore" or "slut" and accept that women are as sexual, and more sensual, than we ever really give them credit for. If you are going to call your women slut or whore it is because she needs you to and you both agree to use the term as a healthy part of your relationship. It is not healthy to use any of these words in any aother way.
When I tell my partner she exists to serve me and my sexual needs as I see fit, it is because whe has asked me to let her know that. Notice the power dynamic here. She has given me consent to speak to her in this way. Her consent comes from how she recognizes she is free to be that woman or not. She can accept that to serve me is to have a need in herself be satisfied. No force or is acceptable. I am hers. For example, I can provide a spanking as a or reward. It is all about mutual consent on how it is done.
Together we explore the full range of our ability to serve and be free to experience, experiment, and be the sexual people we want or need to be.
Please give me some feedback so I can decide which direction to take for my next journal update.
Be Good!

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Travel & Finding the Meaning Of Life

“First of all, although men have a common destiny,each individual also has to work out his own personal salvation for himself in fear and trembling. We can help one another to find out the meaning of life, no doubt. But in the last analysis the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for ‘finding himself.’ If he persists in shifting this responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence.”
–Thomas Merton
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Something to remember me by...

Oct. 22, 2008
I was remembering how you were my perfect submissive and how well you understood all of your needs and mine. I am still impressed by how enthusiastic you were to learn the rules I gave you on how to be my mistress and slave. You were always hungry for the pleasure of discipline and much more. You never failed to learn what you were taught and I made sure you stayed challenged by the way I tested your mind to go with the tests I put your body through.You were the one that didn't leave me bored physically or mentally.
When we first met you wondered if you could give yourself completely to me. I remember at our first meeting when I described what it would take to be my sub and what rules you would have to learn before I would even consider having you. The first hard question I asked you was, "Do you know what you really want?"
At first you were nervous but you learned to understand that I do not accept simple answers and always expected much more.  You revealed all of your desires in the way only this kind of relationship can. I took the time to teach you on subjects from current to eclectic, mundane to profound and you learned it all. I learned a lot about myself and you remain my inspiration to continue to be a responsible, firm, and loving Master.
Over time you knew you needed to earn the collar I placed on you and you were proud to do it. I remember all of the little things you learned do for me, without me saying a word,because you learned to please me and how sexy you are when you please me. You accepted your without hesitation and although I was hard on you in the beginning it worked out well from the beginning until we decided we wanted to go in different directions with our lives. All things must end but we recognize that the end of a thing is nothing more than the start of something new.
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Introduction - Clearing the air....Part I

I am rebuilding my Journals from OKCupid and Fetlife here as a place where I might find a more receptive audience. 
Nov. 29, 2008
From what I can tell there is some misconceptions that some women have about dominant men like me.  I can understand the modern idea of not liking a man that is confident in his abilities and has an air of arrogance and confusing that with a misogynistic streak. However, in a true Dom/sub relationship there is much more than just that type of surface interaction going on.  
What follows is my personal opinion and is not meant to put everyone that lives a BDSM lifestyle into the same categories. I am also not going to go into a lot of detail. If you are really that interested there are books and websites that can help you learn more.  I will break this up into a series of posts so any comments can stay specific to the areas I have covered.  
Let's get some terms straight first:
BDSM stands for: Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism
B & D stands for: Bondage & Discipline
D & S stands for: Domination & Submission
S & M stands for: Sadism & Masochism
For the record, my personal favorites are B/D and D/s.
Ok...let's get started.
*** Dominant Men/Women like to /mistreat/disrespect Men/Women ***
- This has got to be the most common misconception I have heard from women not interested in the lifestyles mentioned above that want to send me email and judge me as a bad person because of my preference and bad mouth women that participate.  
Let's be realistic at that start, sexual behavior is is 90% mental and 10% physical. Because my sexual preference leans towards this type of activity does not make me an evil woman hater. There is a lot of variation in human behavior, fantasies and desires. What one person finds pleasurable someone else may find disgusting [ see the 90/10 rule above ].  
In fact, it is important to be aware that the "power exchange" is double sided in the relationships mentioned. The Master must take responsibility for guiding the slave and the slave must have complete trust in the decision making and conduct of the Master.
A "weak" Master/Dom will never be able to "satisfy" the needs of a sub/slave.
A sub that is not really comfortable in the position will never "satisfy" the needs of their Master. There is a strong mutual respect that must exist for this kind of arrangement to be successful.
This requires a great deal of communication. There is great intimacy in the roles of the Dominant and submissive partner. There can be no secrets since every act must fall into a consensual agreement between the partners. No matter which role, respect must be earned and both parties must agree on the terms of what their limits and expectations are.
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