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Videos Taken Down...(I tried

To the ones that I’ve sent a friend request to that don’t accept people with no videos posted: I tried. I uploaded the three I had and they are now taken down. I don’t want to risk re-uploading them and losing all the Favorites and everything I have saved. With that being said, I would greatly appreciate it if you would add me if I sent you a friend request. I go on here daily to check them, namely from one person in particular because of the seemingly awesome collection of heartbeat edits they have. But they only add people with at least two videos... so the two that I specifically uploaded for them, by the time they got back online, the videos were taken down due to DMCA... so again, I tried. I hope whoever takes the time to read this sees that I’m just a guy trying to get by with his weird ass kink. That’s it.
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Coming Together

I love the little community that’s FINALLY forming with heartbeat/cardiophile related stuff! It’s taken awhile, but for whatever reason, it definitely seems to be gaining steam and that’s nothing but good news. So yeah, I just wanted to post that for whoever might see it, just saying that I see you and to keep it up!
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Anything to do with heartbeats really turns me on, but I have to say, anime/hentai with heartbeats are by far my favorite. Just to add... I do not understand why some people won’t add based purely on the fact that someone has nothing uploaded... I only ever go on here on my phone and I’ve never uploaded anything before, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t what I’m into, because I assure you it is. I literally only ever go on here for heartbeat porn. It’s my thing. So the fact that I don’t have anything uploaded personally shouldn’t completely bar me from being accepted as friends so I can see “private content”. I feel I “bring something to the table”, so to speak just by my saved Favorites and Videos Watched. That’s how I typically find awesome heartbeat videos and I’m sure I’m not the only one. For whoever that takes the time to read this, thank you. Please consider adding me, it would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Finally posted videos, but I still feel what I’ve said is valid. I understand the

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