Im always Working out or Sparing.... But I go camping.... I Travel all over America FoR Vacation wit some close Hommies..... And I love to
My favorite movie of all times would have to be Ehe LosT BoyS.... [First Vampire Movie I have Ever Seen] T.V shows probably anything on Spike And Any Show that will Certainly Challenge my thought Process
From Rappers to R&B.... BrothA Lynch HunG,TecH N9NE,YelA WolF,MachinE GuN KellY, Bun B, LiL WaYnE, Drake,& RoY JoneS Junior/ R&B- Musiq SouL ,Erykha BaDu,Robin ThickE,Ne-yO,R.KellY TreY SonGz, Mario,& ThE DreaM
The FIRM By JohN GreshaM & ThE PelicaN BrieF AlSo By John GreSham
A woman that is confident,intelligent,Bold Street SmaRt,SeductivE BuT NoT SluttY!!!!!
The Biggest Turn off to me is a Lack of MotivatioN...... GottA Be MoviN foward iN LyfE To GeT My Attention!!!!