Gaming, psychology, computer technologies, reading, astronomy drugs growing cannabis and exploring all the pleasures of human sexuality & experience.
Favorite movie is Mulholland Drive and director is David Lynch. Love stories or romance and anything that makes you think or laugh.
Favorite band is Tool. Mostly into dark metal, classical music and post rock. Anything that sounds good ill listen to.
My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I read anything about Psychology, astronomy and any science fiction books and also erotic literature.
I enjoy women of all shapes, sizes and 'm really into thick, redhead, natural or geeky, shemales, amatuers and women taking control or being vocal joi. Gloryhole, taboo and mature or mom are tags I use most. Drugs and sex. I really love when a woman surrenders herself to me, not me just taking it and dominating her but her wanting to give it to me havjng her beg me to take her and make her mine to do with as I please. And I want please after the tease verges on ache. My focus is all on you and to see you surrender to it all and I want to give it all and take it all and experience it all. Whoever you are you deserve to be pleased. Man woman or mixture of both. All is one.
I don't like aggressive men doing aggressive angry men stuff as in selfish stuff. I don't like fakeness I want authenticity and a real experience. Spitting and hitting.bad but Drooling and spanking is good.