We all know that pornhub remove all the unverified videos including mine, but there's a video that I watched last week which aroused my interest but obviously I can't find it anymore, so I decide to give a shoutout here to see if anyone can help me...
It's basically a training video combining porn clips, but what's interesting about it is that there are different levels, and one can choose to use while watching it.
There's an interesting features called "love patterns" if I remember it right, which might be related to some remote controlled devices such as vibrator or plug cuz in the videos it shows the numbers and patterns of beats which can be applied to this function.
This is all I can remember about this videos and I try to search about it on the internet because I thought that "love pattern" seems like a product but I couldn't find anything or I might remember the wrong words
Would it be by any chance that any of you have watched that video and can help me out?