What i lo lo loooove to say
Diamonds are pretty... so are pearls... but they aint got nothing on this baby girl!
You mean shopping for more useless crap isn't the meaning of life?!?
What does a girl have to do around here to get N.O.T.I.C.E.D !
(L)love is only a chapter in a guy's life, to girls it's the whole book (L)
A simple girl, living a simple life, in a simple room, thinking of a boy she simply can't forget
While She Dreams She's Happy, But When She Awakens She Finds Herself Trapped In The Darkness Of Reality
Don't wear a frown, its never in style, just try ur best, to smile smile smile 😀!
Boys can be handsome, they can be smart... they can be cute but they can break your heart!
Girls Are Better Than Boys, We All Know It, Boys Try too Hard, But Still Don't Show It!
Boys are like Rubix cubes, twisted and complicated, but once u get one right, they are perfect
There was a birdy in the sky who done a poopie in my eye, I didnt twitch, I didnt cry, thank god my hair was fine!
God made man, knew he could do better, and made woman.
I always fall for that one guy who is out of reach,but close enough to make it hurt