Self taught.(Never went to high school. Not 1 day)
Well, porn...obviously. ( Hey, don't judge. If your reading this, your on Pornhub too. You horny son of a b...) Doing random, at random. Kenjutsu, working out, electronics, computers, and reading.
Haven't really watched much TV in years.( But I have watched people watching TV. ) But I do occasionally watch South Park. Because just about every issue or problem on earth that one can think of, is acknowledged and solved on at least one episode.
All depends on the mood I'm in. But no matter the mood, I will always listen to Incubus, Alice in Chains, and Slipknot. Then there's Korn, Pantera, Limp Bizkit. Depeche mode, INXS, The Cure. And lets not forget Heywood Banks, "Never trust a puppet" ..."Yeah toast!!!!"
Just 6 numbers (Martin Rees) Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams) Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck (Amy Alkon)
Intelligence, Humor, a positive attitude, tattoo's and a nice ass.
Lame excuses and bullshit stories (The obvious ones, Where the person didn't even try. Besides, real life is much more entertaining. Some shit you just cant make up.) Anything to do with clowns, spiders, liars, or anything about my ex-wife.