1. Foot Fetish- I am one with the feets, I like to suck and lick toes aswell as provide masculine massages.
2. Domination/Submission- I am usually the dominant type whenever I can provide a stimulating situation but I can also be a submissive type.
3. Curves/Butts- I love a good woman with natiral curves, aswell as a woman with a juicy asset I love to give massages and give oral mainly to anal oral.
Miscellaneous- I have a few other types of fetishes, and turn ons, such as Food, Outdoor activities, and other stimulates.
1. Inexperience\Indecisiveness- A woman or women, that generally arenot in the mood, acting shy, or generally not very open minded.
2. Limitations- Not very forth coming towards experimentation, lack of enthusiasm.
3. Manipulation- When a woman tries to make you feel like the king of the stituation only to not being aroused or faking orgasms.
There are a few more turn offs I did not list since I have more turn offs than turn ons they're .