To: Anonymous,
I do not know who you are but your gift is well appreciated and I’m super grateful thank you so very much
I have a new device now an will be able to post more. I am far past due on most everything bill wise at the current moment and the new phone will definitely come in handy to assist me in remaining in contact with everyone to seek out the assistance I still need your generosity will not go to waste thank you whoever you may be thank you so much!!!
- Justin
I hope to have my own website up soon
individuals who are willing to help fund my
site will be offered exclusive access rights
and other special perks[TBA] I really appreciate
all the support and thank you in advance!
Direct Message Me for info and to request
a investment packet detailing the general scope
and the research and projected revenue returns etc.
Thanks again
I get my cast off in a few weeks i begin physical therapy after the first of the year yayyy
I do not know who you are but your gift is well appreciated and I’m super grateful thank you so very much
I have a new device now an will be able to post more. I am far past due on most everything bill wise at the current moment and the new phone will definitely come in handy to assist me in remaining in contact with everyone to seek out the assistance I still need your generosity will not go to waste thank you whoever you may be thank you so much!!!
- Justin
I hope to have my own website up soon
individuals who are willing to help fund my
site will be offered exclusive access rights
and other special perks[TBA] I really appreciate
all the support and thank you in advance!
Direct Message Me for info and to request
a investment packet detailing the general scope
and the research and projected revenue returns etc.
Thanks again
I get my cast off in a few weeks i begin physical therapy after the first of the year yayyy
Let me start off with saying I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween this year, It has definitely been fun hangin out with some of you! I did my best to see as many of you as I could this year. I want to take the time again to thank all of you for all the wonderful gifts that you have sent to me I loved them all! With that being said, I unfortunately have had to cancel the remaining events and other arrangements I had scheduled in 2019 as I have unfortunately completely broken...shattered really...the 2 bones in my lower left leg making daily activities a painful struggle. I will be rescheduling the canceled plans beginning in the spring of 2020. I sincerely apologize for having to reschedule my calendar however I am truly grateful for all the love and support you all have given me thus far as it does not go unnoticed. The doctors are expecting me to make a quick and full recovery within 4-6 months. The next few months are going to be extremely rough for me as I was not prepared by any means whatsoever for a setback quite this extensive. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers as I must now try to manage all of my affairs in the following months ahead. I will be back I promise! My first of 3 surgeries was very successful and myself and the doctors are staying optimistic. Thank you again so much for the continued love and support you all have been so very helpful! I will be online periodically to check my inbox! Thank you and again my apologies, have a exciting and scary Halloween. Candy donations are very much accepted and encouraged lol. Thank you guys!! Wouldn’t know what to do without you! Love you bunches! -Justin
Let me start off with saying I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween this year, It has definitely been fun hangin out with some of you! I did my best to see as many of you as I could this year. I want to take the time again to thank all of you for all the wonderful gifts that you have sent to me I loved them all! With that being said, I unfortunately have had to cancel the remaining events and other arrangements I had scheduled in 2019 as I have unfortunately completely broken...shattered really...the 2 bones in my lower left leg making daily activities a painful struggle. I will be rescheduling the canceled plans beginning in the spring of 2020. I sincerely apologize for having to reschedule my calendar however I am truly grateful for all the love and support you all have given me thus far as it does not go unnoticed. The doctors are expecting me to make a quick and full recovery within 4-6 months. The next few months are going to be extremely rough for me as I was not prepared by any means whatsoever for a setback quite this extensive. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers as I must now try to manage all of my affairs in the following months ahead. I will be back I promise! My first of 3 surgeries was very successful and myself and the doctors are staying optimistic. Thank you again so much for the continued love and support you all have been so very helpful! I will be online periodically to check my inbox! Thank you and again my apologies, have a exciting and scary Halloween. Candy donations are very much accepted and encouraged lol. Thank you guys!! Wouldn’t know what to do without you! Love you bunches! -Justin