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Follow up to this It ain't workin chief Not even getting close, which sucks I am asexual but I'm thinking that my body just doesn't do the things it's supposed to when I'm trying to maturbate :/
Not doing well
My birthday is upcoming and for various reasons, this time of year is very hard on me mentally
I'm sorry if you want content from me but it won't happen for a good while. I do not love myself and frankly. I just want to disappear. I don't want to breathe anymore.
I won't hurt myself so don't worry about that.
I just do not want to exist and everything takes so much energy
But whatever
In exactly two weeks, I'll be 19 and I'll have survived another revolution of this planet. It doesn't matter. I'm still miserable.
I'm sorry if you want content from me but it won't happen for a good while. I do not love myself and frankly. I just want to disappear. I don't want to breathe anymore.
I won't hurt myself so don't worry about that.
I just do not want to exist and everything takes so much energy
But whatever
In exactly two weeks, I'll be 19 and I'll have survived another revolution of this planet. It doesn't matter. I'm still miserable.
Hi! I just saw this post and I'm really sad to hear you aren't doing well. I'm just another perv on a website full of pervs but if you ever need to speak to a total stranger please reach out to me, or to anyone. It might not seem like it but people do care. Stay strong.
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