

简介 KrissRyan
Chris.Scorpio. HELP ME! Im ALWAYS looking for females in my area or anwhere else that are INTERESTED IN MAKING PASSIONATE VIDEOS WITH ME TO BUILD UP MY PAGE!! YALL CAN KEEP 90% of the earnings...i just wanna make beautiful woman MOAN and BEG me to stop from making them cum so hard so many times in a row with just my tongue and my fingers while im giving them head, BEFORE I EVEN USE MY COCK. OR GIRLS THAT WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN and/or maybe become close friends..maybe more??? I only have masturbation videos of me with myself so far..I NEED A FUN PARTNER TO MAKE STUFF WITH PLZZ!!! PLZZZ IM BEGGIN!! lmao. I CAN GET PUSSY EASILY BUT NOT ONE THATS SECURE AND COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO DO THIS WITH ME!! COMEON GIRLS!! HMU!! my pornhub profile link:
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington Texas, United States
性别: 男性
兴趣爱好: Making women cum with my mouth while they squeal and moan and then beg for me to stop while im making them cum so hard and so many times in a row with just my tongue..b4 i even stick my dick in.. IF I DECIDE TO. IM A GIVER. i love Fuckin. Eating pussy. Licking. Suckin. being licked, being licked on my nipples, and sucked, anywhere and everywhere so yeah i guess my bigggest interest atm would be to make videos with someone that WANTS to have some of the best pleasure theyve ever encountered..or JUST REALLY GOOD SEX. AND BE COMFORTABLE FILMING US DOING IT. And let me give them 90% of the profits.. Music. Concerts. I can play all instruments. I sing. HORROR MOVIES! PORN!! VIDEO GAMES Skateboarding Smokin bud REcreationally usig other substances(mostly for sexual euphoria during sex and to help me help myself go long for hours..)
会勾起我性欲的是: Pigtails.very pale women. Readheads. Petites. Rocker chicks. Tats. Goth look. Punk look. YOUNG TIGHT PUSSY Diff color hairs. Long lasting sex. Long pornos. Pussy squirts. Half black half white mocha women..nvr had one. its one of me #1 fantasys tho so if any of u dark females wanna show a cute white boy what yall got. hm the fuck up Chicks born with dicks..ill play with too ONLY if ur REALLY hot tho. but not in my ass unless its 4 $ v WHITE YOUNG PETITES. Black hair. BLUE OR GREEN EYES ARE BEST. 18. But i like all 18 to 30 ish. When women let me do all the work and let me use my mouth and my hands and my tongue to make them cum harder over and over again multiple times times while watching their faces and hearing their moans turn into squeals and begs for me to stop cause its too intense..the being ridden so fucking hard after i do so. When a woman shows interest and care and reads all my texts and responds back to them in a nice amount of time. not 1r2 days l8r Ill do NE girl tht wnts to.
会浇灭我性欲的是: ppl who act above others cause their looks or their social statuses... no ones perfect assholes SOME OF YALL LOOK PERFECT THO!!! lmaoo
视频播放量: 117
主页浏览量: 213
已看视频: 1,248




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