Intelligence, ponytails, makeup/no makeup, shaved privates, bubble butts, clean butts for eating, as well as front, sense of humor, loyalty, honesty, very spontaneous, be a happy person with a great personality, someone who will put up with me being dorky at times, CUDDLING AND TOUCHING, body contact, laying in bed all day having sex multiple times without a worry in the world, being clean and sober, toys, dress up for pictures and videos, public nudity/nude beaches, willingness to try new things, kindness, NON JUDGEMENT OF ANY KIND.
Any kind of body odors are my number one deal killer, unhappy people, liars, cheaters if in a monogamous relationship, 100% communication!, yelling, arguments, WE ARE ADULTS EXPRESS YOUR CONCERNS AND DISLIKES how can it be fixed or changed if we don't talk about it.