I have removed all of my videos. I am done with Porn. I actually regret ever going public with my ability. I have made a decision to give my life to Yeshua (Also known as Jesus) and am going to try to live a life pleasing to him as we enter what I believe is the last days. Please consider how temporary this life is and how bad porn can warp the mind. Dwell on good things and don't feed the evil.
Swimming clothed, getting messy but don't enjoy the cleanup. Pissing in clothes is fun but don't enjoy the urine smell to clean up. Riding motorcycle (Grom) especially in the rain. Fishing especially when wading in the water. Warm weather, working in the garage. Don't like sports.
Water, eating, slim builds and having confidence in self while being themselves.
Meaningless chit chat, people who don't know how to clean themselves. Fake people.