Most You Idiots On Here💯💯
I've gotten some messages from guys saying where can they get a lesbian/stud to have casual sex with. And my reply to all the questions was simple, they have to find you attractive enough to want you to smash and you have to gain their trust by not having a big mouth. Also y'all fools got to stop being so thirsty and relax. If she want to have sex she'll let your ass know. The first time I had sex with one was at a new years party with her and her chick getting into it so bad she ended up kicking her girl out the house. I was chillin shooting pool and she pulled me to the corner where nobody could see and started grabbing my dick and told me to come up to her room. Even when I got to the room I still was letting her take the initiative so she could get comfortable, she pulled my jeans off and everything lmfao. Once she pulled my dick out and started sitting on it I knew she was ready.
So yea patience, good looks, and trust is the key. Also every lesbian ain't the same, some may like it enough where they want to try it every blue moon and some may only want to try it once. Feel them out and make sure they're comfortable.
So yea patience, good looks, and trust is the key. Also every lesbian ain't the same, some may like it enough where they want to try it every blue moon and some may only want to try it once. Feel them out and make sure they're comfortable.
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裴为我喷水70 次观看55年前