Berkely Ann
Berkely Ann

Berkely Ann

简介 Berkely Ann
Hi guys! My name is Berkely and I appreciate you visiting my page! The snapchat that I have on my page is SFW and will never have any nudity, although the pictures may be a little flirty ;). My Twitter is NSFW. For business inquiries please contact me at: [email protected]
感情状态: 开放
喜欢: 男女通吃
性别: 女性
出身地: United States of America
三围: 40-36-45
身高: 5' 0" (152cm)
体重: 180lbs. (82kg)
种族: White
发色: Brunette
纹身: No
是否有穿环: No
出生地: Tulsa
主页浏览量: 3,283
已看视频: 53

Berkely Ann's 视频

Berkely Ann 暂还没有任何视频。


解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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Hi Guys!

I will be gone until Tuesday. You guys have a great weekend! Send me a hot message to come back to!
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Hi , want to fill you
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I want come and fuck
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25 NSFW Questions and Answers 😉

Several people on my Snapchat and Twitter have been asking about doing a NSFW Q&A like they used to do on Tumblr so here it is :]
1. Are you a virgin? - No, I am not a virgin. XD
2. Does anyone besides you know your bra size? - I think everyone here knows how big they are. ;] But I wear a 34DD if you're trying to buy me a bra. 
3. Do you know anyone that has an STD? - I know MANY people with STDs. I am not really sure why this is a question bc STDs are so common. If you think you might have an STD, please get checked out :]
4. Were you married when you first lost your virginity? - NO. I would actually have to worst life if I was married to that man XD
5. Do you swear under celibacy? - I am not celibate by any means. 
6. When did you first lose your virginity? - I lost my virginity on Valentine's Day in 2014. I was . It was horrible, and he was very well endowed and it was painful LOL
7. Have you ever been tricked with alcohol to have sex with someone? - No. I have never been to have sex with someone. I don't drink in public for many reasons and this is one of them. 
8. Have you ever walked in on someone having sex or masturbating? -  NO BUT I REALLY WANT TO
9. Have you ever seen someone masturbate with their permission? - Yes, I have. It's something that I really enjoy to see in person.
10. Where is the weirdest place you've had sex? - Maybe a park? I haven't really had sex in any "weird" places.
11. Outdoor or Car sex? - Having done both, I can definitely tell you that I prefer outdoor sex. Maybe I can tell you my outdoor sex story sometime.
12. When did you first masturbate? - I was a and that's as specific as I am getting with that. 
13. Have you ever helped someone "finish"? - Virtually, with my hand, with my mouth. Yes, I have. 
14. How old were you when you had your first kiss? - I think I was 12, maybe. 
15. First sex toy? - My first official sex toy I didn't get until I was 22. The first time I ever used something as a sex toy I think I was like 15. 
16. First time doing oral? - I was 17 and it was in my parents house while my mom was asleep. 
17. Biggest Turn On? - Someone massaging my tits through my shirt. 
18. Biggest Turn Off? - Being called a bitch bc I don't respond fast enough.
19. Are you open to group/threesomes? - Fuck yeah I am. I was supposed to be having a threesome last weekend, but when we all showed up the girl got sick :/
20. Spit or Swallow? - Swallow. Spitting's for quitters ;]
21. Rough of Sensual? - Depends on the day. Mostly rough for me though.
22. Oldest person you'd with? - I don't have a cut off, although if you look like a 90 year old I am not going to want to with you XD
23. Loud or Quiet partners? - I like LOUD PARTNERS
24. Do you squirt? - Yes I can squirt XD
25. Do you often get horny in public? - Yes I do. All the time. 
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Squirt Video

Hey y’all check out my squirting video
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