Dear site visitors! Please do not ask me to send you or indicate the name of the game / mod. I am a member of three gaming communities that develop mods or test games ... Therefore, I am often granted special (in most cases exclusive) rights to use games. And as much as I would like, I will not be able to share them with others ... :( Where possible, I indicate the name of the game or mod in the description of the video! And I will gladly share the information I have with you!
P.S. Also, in accordance with the rule of fair use of games in our communities, I am obliged to voice what is happening in the video. Therefore, do not ask me to shut up in videos :( Videos without commenting are a slightly different format, and they are available, for example, to members of the channel's fan club. Also, help with installing mods and answers to questions about content monetization - only for fan club members