While friendship is one of the great saving graces in this oft-cruel world, I must say I do restrict my friendships here on Pornhub to those who post videos, or failing that... at least post their favorites of other people's videos. We don't need to trade vids or anything (though I'm open to that, just send a message). But, please contribute to the community! Speaking of community: please folks, keep it safe, sane, and consensual in real life. Keep good bright lines between not just fantasy and reality, but also guilty, solitary pleasures and general, potentially-shareable-in-public recreation. Not to harsh your online porn buzz, but mental health is something to be jealously guarded when you plunge into the deep waters of online pornography, and the fact that 2020 might be --- you know --- kinda The End of the World is no excuse for losing sight of that! <End public service announcement>
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