
OK, way too many of you perverts, LOL.

If you sent me a email, or friends request before today, I'm not gonna look at it.
I have over 1500 of both, and there's no way I'm wading thru that...
Remember no dick pics to my stream.
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I'm Back

Enough Said
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welcome back i was wonder what happen too ya
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Reflection at the Holidays

Sorry my loyal and eager readers for my abscence, I've been lost in a cornicopia of new delights and possibilites, such that the old was boring and stale.
I was offered the chance to run a new 501(c)3 non-profit charity last month, in a field that I've been active in for several decades. It has the backing on a major writer in the field, along with a couple of celebrities and ton of money and IMO we could affect some profound changes with it.
And NO I'm not gonna tell you horny perverts the name of the site. My face is up as one of the senior officiers of the Foundation. All I need is one of you to post "Hey Silence, will you tie me up and spank my bare naked ass" to come out at one of the Board meetings, LMAO!
It would also get me out of Law.
I find now at 56, I've grown tired of the incessent saber fencing that the legal profession requires of you. The compromises that put stains on your soul. The you are required to do to win. My soul is dark enough sometimes without some city dirt I track in on the soles of my fashionable and expensive heels dirtying the carpet at my door and smelling the condo up.
I hate to admit this, you are all my playtoys sometimes. Most especially those of you close to me as friends.
(Yes I'm a bit ...)
Its a character flaw I'm sure, something I've discussed with my theraphist on more than one $500 an hour session. She's an expensive bitch.
Long ago I realized I had the gift, Grandmother Spider's talent with words, which I could spin and spin to tempt you like a fly into my web of fantasy and desire. In North American myth, Spider taught Mankind to write. Her are blessed with a similar gift. And cursed as well.
Pagan priestess I am, clad in sliks and leather, knife in hand. You kneel in the sand as I chant and torches burn on the walls. You beg, oh goddess, beg that when I ask for the sacrifice, I'll choose YOU. You'll lay upon the bloody altar and let me cut your neck, won't you.
Just to please ME.
Wow that was egotistical of me, lol.
I'm a fan of the televison show "". If you don't know it, it a retelling of the classic tale of Sherlock and Watson, set in modern day New York. Its very good...
(I also enjoy the BBC's "Sherlock" but for different reasons.)
Last season saw the introduction of Sherlock's love of his life "Irene Adler". In a truly clever twist deserving of the Dective himself, the American show has Sherlock's nemisis Moriority, be Irene.
Ohh that was a clever show. Fitting for Sir Athur himself.
This week's episode returns us to the duality of Sherlock and "The" Woman. With wonderfully evil results, and soul searching consiqueses.
(ok I am , i can't spell...lol)
Surfice it to say, those of us "gifted" lead lonely lives. Its only when YOU come and visit that WE feel whole and alive.
Irene, aka Moriority asks a question of Sherlock... "Is that how you learn to be one of them, by learning to care what your actions seem in the eyes of others?"
Thank you...
Off to bed and nightmare fillled , I'll snuggle but to Evil and we'll both enjoy the slumber.
(I will return in Febuary with new stories and tales, especially the ending of our young vampire Eden adventures and my tale of how I lost my virginity...)
Hope your holidays had all they should have and more.
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Happy New Year Everyone

I know i've been absent lately, just wishing everyone a safe and naughty New Year
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Asian Schoolgirls

One of my new friends has an incredible profile pic, which lead me to search "asian schoolgirls". Enjoy the new pics, I'm down with the flu badly,,,😥
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No Story Saturday

I temporarily changed my preferences so you had to be a Friend to post, I have since changed them back. Anyone can post to my stream now. And I invite you to, let discuss this, shall we? BTW, someone invite my gotcha girl back to comment, She's got her stream set for "Friends Only", which I'm not. I have my claws out, lets see if she can fight back after she's been a bitch, lol? No story this Saturday. Its been a while since I posted a good rant, and I need to. Story Saturday will resume next week. Not sure if we will finish the tale of my devirginitizing, or get back to Eden and her troubles. We will see. Neither are actually written, lol. I was hoping imposing a deadline would get me off my butt and written. Instead, I tripped, fell and bagged my knee up pretty badly. Im nursing a second double scotch and writing this. Fridays, I sometimes schedule time with my Shrink. Shes a nice enough doctor, considering I pay her a load. Ive been seeing her on and off for a decade. What? Youre surprised I have a psychoanalyst? Or that I will admit it to you readers? All good lawyers have shrinks, its how we live with ourselves without sticking a gun in our mouths or drinking ourselves to death because of the work we do. It is easy to accept that bad things happen sometimes to good people. Its difficult to accept that good things sometimes happen to bad people. Lawyers have to live with the fact we often are the ones who cause those good things to happen to bad people. We discussed my little faux pas this week with the photo. She reminded me I have a tendency when I grow bored with something to fuck it up, her words not mine, lol. Shes a Brooks girl and has a mouth on her when it comes to peoples bullshit. She cusses a lot at me sometimes. I hadnt realized, I HAVE grown a bit bored here. Story Saturday is alot of work. I cant just get , grab a and pop off a 10 minute vid of me giving a grainy blowjob, and call that content for the week. Most stories take 45 hours to write. More sometimes. It helps I have a pretty large library of past material I can pull from. Still this is age of video not the written word. Which is a shame since words on paper are so much more tasty in my opinion. There is a sensual pleasure in turning a well worn page. I was in the Firms break room yesterday, enjoying a great salad from the local deli, and reading a book. I looked up at one point and was struck with almost sadness, when I noticed everyone else was huddled over their smart phones, watching something from the Internet or texting a friend. I wonder if there will be a day when I walk to the door of our local library and see a sign that says Closed Due To Lack Of Interest. This is not the subject of my rant… I want to discuss a little insult thrown at me by the person who did the Gotcha! on me over the photo this week. I dont now remember her name, but she finished her post with something like And I bet you arent even a woman! I get this throw at me, about 23 times a month in emails. So far just by guys, who email me trying to be suave and sexy, with dirty comeons, and suggestion for a bit of webcam or skype sex. Suave like a elephant in a ballerina tutu, LOL. Im pretty to that type of person, though its a of the dagger not the sword. Of pin pricks, not chops. I usually lead them on a bit, let them earn their 20 feet of rope to hang themselves on, then slide the blade in. It oftens ends with them ranting at what a bitch I am, and sometimes with the expletive And I bet you arent even a women!. Its an ugly fact about our species, we enjoy giving others pain. And we do it so well too. See it used be enough to point out anothers mistake, and let them correct it BUT so often now, a gotcha moment is an opportunity to feed the little monkey on our back. To dig it in a bit and twist. Weve grown so disgusted with our lives we take every chance to drag others down in the mud with us. When I was her age, people wondered if God was dead. Sometimes I think now She left the experiment of this Creation, shaking her head, wondering where she went wrong. This particular insult is used alot in online communities. Where people are anonymous. You create a profile and interact. And like any social setting, drama always seeps into the brew. Its a fact men sometimes create profile that are female. I blame Society. We embrace women who explore their male side, yet somehow a man who does the same, is looked down on. Sure there are assholes, guys who create female profiles to get you to send them naked pictures, girl but theres alot of honest, nice guys exploring their feminine side too. I see them when I work as a dominatrix in another 3D social media game. Some go so far as what to be sissyfied, and the body and persona of a young women. I always thought a community like PornHub that literally is SEX would be open to people exploring their alternatives. Who knew we were so conservative? Are we such assholes? Back to I bet you arent even a women. What is very elegant about this insult is, the usually cant defend themselves against it. I wont put up a real picture of myself here, Ive said as much, so how do I counter this claim? How do I prove my gender? I cant so therefore, Im guilty as charged. Thats the beauty of the unrepliable insult, you get to stick the knife in and watch them squirm. Even better with popcorn. I doubt my gotcha girl thought this all thru consciously. After all shes a teenager, and if theres a scarier creature than a Spanish Inquisition priest its a teenage high school girl. Their stock and trade is causing pain to their fellow students. The Devil is real, and his masterpiece is High School. And consider, what does a 19 year old know about being a women? Shes spent a quarter of her life as a , yelling and scream and driving her parent crazy, then in the hell of public school, to come here where she thinks posting videos of herself giving blowjobs will gain her fame. If this is her idea of womanhood, yeap, sign me up as gender nonspecific. I shake my head at this generation and your willingness to post every damned facet of your life on Facebook. Hate to tell you, youre about to get the bitch slap of a century soon. Can you say wearable computers, facial recognition software, and search engines. There is coming a time, not a few years off, when my gotcha girl, standing behind the counter of Starbucks will have a customer say to her as he takes his double mocha latte, Hey babe, nice blowjob video, when do you get off work? What you put up on the Web today, will be there forever. We routinely check the Internet in divorce cases for profile on the porntube sites. That favored "teen daughter" sex video, you have on your profile, is guarenteed to get the Judge to think twice about your visitation rights. And you are so clueless about the Law and your jobs. Dont you know employers are more and more checking the Internet when they look at your resume. Your skinny dip in the local church fountain, posted on your Facebook page, will cost you that job you worked so hard for when you are 30. And theres not a thing thats about them doing it either. Repeat after me, Welcome to Walmart. Thats gonna be the best job you get. Back to the insult, And I bet you arent even a woman. And you are wondering if I am one, arent you? You are thinking over every little thing Ive said here, in every past post, and finding little bits and pieces that dont match the perfect picture YOU have of what a women is. I have alot of those, since I'm such a strong, personality in a woman. Those little seeds, will sprout and soon be full size plants. Plants with thorns. The unrepliable insult is such a perfect knife. Shame we are such a fucked up species, isnt it. This is how you burn witches. Witches who are just scared . Ultimately, YOU have to decide. Do you enjoy visiting my stream. Do I entertain you. Is the time you spend here, better spent elsewhere, or do you enjoy my plate of cookies and cups of tea, while I tell you tales of sex. Hot, wet, smoky sex, the kind you dream of at night before bed. Does proof of my gender matter? (Youll never get it...lol) If it does, then remember the original meaning of Farewell was Fare Thee Well On Your Journey, and I hope you do. Dont let the door hit your ass as you leave.
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Yes I Took It Down

I'll admit made a mistake implying that was a real picture of me, and apologize to everyone for the mistake. I've seen first hand what trouble a personal picture can cause when misused and I should have known better.
Nuff said.
Back to writing good stories...
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Story Saturday - When I Got Fucked

Ok, so let me honor the promise I made in October to tell you all about when I lost my virginity. We'll get back to Eden in a few. If you read my earlier post about Bobby and our time in the hayloft, you would think I became the local slut BUT 9/11 and the way the world changed then, conspired to rob me of my exploration of the male penis after that night. My brothers all, were adimate to stay in and defend our country, which threw a huge monkey wrench into the Family plans. Suddenly there was no clear heir and head of the House. That caused alot of stress and my parents suffered from it. Many a night I retreated into my room to get away from the arguments. I rebeled and honestly was quite the bitch myself. That earned me a trip to the Gulag of an English boarding school for my Junior year at high school. That was a shock. The next were hell for a shy Oklahoma girl dumped among the blue of England. Fast forward one graduation and to find me at college. I walked into my dorm room not expecting what greeted me. Which was my roommate Samatha on her knees, naked and stroking her boytoy of the week, Mike's penis, wet and glistening, a few inches from her face. You remember Sam, don't you? She who joined me in my first orgy, told in story here a few months back. She had either been fucking him or giving him a long blowjob. Both of which she did on a regular basis with her harem of boytoys. We had a deal where if we had someone over, we stuck a piece of tape above the door handle. I hadn't had the chance to use the yet, though I had spent a few nights in the dorm common room waiting for Sam to be finished with her toy. Tonight the tape had been absent. "Ohhh baby squirt that all over me," she purred. She leaned in and wrapped her red juicy lips aroung the head and he groaned. A groan that sent shivers down my young spine. Neither of them notice my intrution, so engrosed in the moment were they. I stood frozen watching them. My second real life blowjob, only this one was not ten feet from me. I could see the curly hairs on Mike's balls, wet and glistening from Samantha's mouth. See while I had let Bobby finger me a few times after our night in the barn, I'd never gone past that. And an English girl's school doesn't give many chances at finding willing penis. Sam took her lips from his cock and leaning down, sucked his balls in her warm wet mouth. That was all it took. Mike gave a shout and took his cock in his hand, stroking it fast. "Now baby," she moaned. "Do it!" He gave a shudder and from the tip of his penis, great long milky streamers shot out to cover Sam's face and coat her tongue. She laughed as he dumped his sperm on her skin. I was standing with the door to our room partically open behind my back. A sudden noise outside startled me and I took a step back, which had the unexpected effect of slamming the door closed. Mike turned to see me for the first time, and freaked, grabbing for his clothes at his feet and running for the bathroom, t-shirt covering softening penis. My naughty roommate Sam, just knelt there, face covered in sperm and grinned. "Hi roomie," she said. I stammered an apology and ran. ---- I came back a few hours later, after Mike had left and we talked. Sam was unapolgetic and I was embarressed at being embarressed. After our talk I remember laying in my bed, with the lights out, and Sam the of the confident, thinking over and over at that naked penis. And how I wanted one of my own. ---- Samatha took me under her wing after that. She began to advise me on my clothing and the ways to flirt. To use my beauty to get what I wanted. She was a daughter of a major company's CFO so her credit cards were gold. Many an outfit did she gift me with. It was funny, Mike who I had seen cum, was such a school boy when we next meet. Shy and embarrassed. One or the other of us was always leaving the room when we got together. That changed. More on that fun in a few lol. Shall we get back to Sam? A few weeks after the "Incident", Samatha got invited to a party at one of the sororities trying to get her to join, and ended dragging me with her. We danced and had a good time flirting with the boys. Later that night when things started to wind down, we both ended up by the pool. We were standing behind a short stone wall with a near empty tray of Jell-O shots and both of us were pretty wasted. Sam poked me in the ribs and pointed. The president of the sorority was in the hot tub with some guy and they were making out. No one else was around and they didn't notice us watching them. She had her arms around the guy and was kissing him. She had this little red t-shirt on that said "I Heart Boys" and the water made it cling to her body like it was painted on. As we watched the guy slide one hand under the t-shirt and began playing with her breasts. She looked as as we were, and didn't stop him. If anything she kissed him harder, using tongue. Then he slid his hand from under her t-shirt and it disappeared beneath the water of the hot tub. A moment later she gave this low moan. I could see he was doing something. It took me a moment to realize he had his hand between her legs. Now I might have been a virgin but I did masturbate. I could picture then what he was doing. How his finger was sliding up and down her crotch. I wondered if he just was rubbing her through her bathing suit or whether he actually had his hand under it, his finger caressing her naked flesh. Sliding itself into her. He must have known what he was doing. Soon he had her at a fevered pitch. Her head rested on his shoulders and she was panting heavily. I knew from my own experience that her orgasm wasn't far off. That's when my evil roommate pushed the Jell-O shot tray off the wall. The tray hit with a loud clatter, startling both me and the couple in the hot tub. They turned and looked my way. We stared at each other for frozen seconds, the two of them realizing what they had been doing, and that they were being watched. I turned towards Samatha only to find she'd ducked behind the wall. She was squatting down there, covering her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh. Seeing me look at her she jumped up, grabbed my arm and we took off running. Our dorm wasn't far and we laughed all the way there. Once inside we collapsed on Sam's bed, still laughing. "Guess YOU won't be joining that sorority," Samantha chuckled. She rubbed her hands up and down the front of her blouse. "Damned watching them got me horny." I could see her nipples poking through the silk. The truth was she was right. Watching the two of them in the hot tub had gotten me horny too. I could feel my own nipples were hard and I had a tingly feeling between my legs. "Do you want the bathroom?" She asked. "Or do you want to stay out here?" I didn't know what she meant at first. Then she leaned over and reached under her mattress pulling something out. It was a vibrator. That's when it hit me. She was planning on masturbating right now. I blushed at the thought. "Or we could both do it out here," she grinned. "Watch each other while we do it." Maybe it was all the alcohol I'd that night. Maybe it was watching the two lovers in the hot tub. Or maybe it was the memory of Samantha and Mike, of seeing him cum all over her face. What ever it was, something Sam saw in my eyes let her know my true desires. Even if I couldn't voice them myself. Samantha reached around her waist and unzipped her mini skirt, tossing it on the floor. She had on a tiny pair of blue thong panties. I noticed a wet spot at their crotch. Sam hadn't been lying, she really was turned on. Taking one hand, she cupped her crotch and rubbed it several times. "Take your clothes off," she said, looking at me. "I want to see you." Almost on its own my hand went to my blouse. I unbuttoned the first button slowly, then a second. Samantha slid her hand inside her panties. I could see as her finger dipped inside of her pussy underneath the moist cloth. She took her hand out and brought it to her mouth, sucking on her two fingers. Then she began unbuttoning her own blouse, matching me button for button. Soon we both had our blouse's open to the waist. Sam began playing with her nipples. They were stiff and hard. I'd seen her breasts before but this time it was like I was seeing them for the first time. Though she had a thin body being just a shade over five and a half feet tall, Samatha had a really nice set of tit. She took one hand and trailed down her stomach, her fingers again slipped under her panties. Sam gave a soft moan as she stroked herself under the wet fabric. She let her head tip back and leaned it against the wall behind her. I watched as she masturbated not five feet from me. It was so exciting. I touched myself, letting my hands slide across my now bare stomach and then upward to cup my breasts beneath my open blouse. My skin tingled under my fingertips. A little gasp escaped my lips when I felt my palms slide across my nipples. "This is so naughty," I whispered, staring back into Samantha's eyes. She just smiled, nodded and continued to stroke herself. I'd chosen an ankle length skirt that night. It had a split up the front with buttons. I slowly pulled the two sides apart exposing first my legs and then my crotch. I touched myself through my panties, stroking a finger up and down against my pussy lips. The whole scene was such a turn on I didn't think it would take me long. Samantha was really close herself. Her hand was like a little jackhammer under her panties. Up and down, up and down. Her legs were twitching on the bed. Sometimes when they came together Sam would let out a low soft moan. I took my hand and slide it under the waist band of my panties. My clit was a hard little point. When my finger slid across it my legs clenched together and a shudder ran through my body. I let my fingers slid was moist and wet from excitement. Another shudder went through me as my fingers slid into my pussy and I began masturbating. Little gasps were coming from Samantha as she played with her pussy. I could tell she was close to having an orgasm. Funny, she was so erotic sitting there against the wall, but in my mind I saw two images. One was Sam there on the bed. The other was of her on her knees and Mike's big cock ready to spurt all over her face. As she leaned against the wall I pictured big ropy spurts of come landing on her face and dripping down onto her breasts. That image excited me so much. My strokes got faster, my palm rubbing against my clit. Samantha began to come and I was so close myself. As my orgasm rolled over me, I picture myself where Sam had been, on my knees as hot sticky cum rained down on my face. As each orgasmic shudder came to my body, I imagined what it must have felt like. The touch, the taste. I just kept coming and coming. Later as we both lay together relaxing , I knew something. I wanted a cock of my own...
  • 25
I just love that story.
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Story Saturday - Eden's Nightmare Part 4

"So Fraulein," the priest asked. "Which one shall I whip you with?"
Eden was really scared now.
The immediacy of her situation frightened her like nothing had ever frightened her before and truth, she'd faced death several times these past hundred plus years of vampiric life. That Gunther was going to beat her, just to do the act, not to get information, not as , not as anything remotely justifiable to what she had done to him was so alien to her experiences.
He was really going to do it, she thought!
"Ummm, you..." She hesitated, the coppery taste of her still on her lips. "You said the riding crop was a good...for a beginner..."
She shivered, and not from the chill of the basement. Gunther smiled and stepped close. With one hand he caressed her cheek, where he'd slapped her earlier.
"You can get through this," he whispered. "Be strong."
Eden was again struck by how deep an arctic blue the priest's eyes were. Good eyes, she thought. Sexy eyes too. She wondered what they would be like staring into while he lay between her legs, his hard cock inside of her, about to fuck her.
She closed her eyes and gave him the smallest of nods.
He moved away.
"We shall begin then..." he said.
Eden hung there for several long moments, eyes closed, while she heard him rummaging around in the bags he'd brought.
"Did you know that Council ordered me to record your Scourging on video?"
Her eyes snapped open at that.
"What the fuck!" she exclaimed, looking around the small basement for cameras. "Don't tell me those sick bastards are going to watch..."
Gunther laughed loudly.
"No, no, no." he said, kneeling behind the table. "I merely said they wanted me to."
He stood holding a short black riding crop in his hand.
"Not that I would."
Eden sighed in relief.
"A Scourging is a very personal experience." He slapped the tip of the riding crop in his other palm. "Not some sort of crude entertainment for the Masses."
Gunther shook his head. "There were comments about wanting to make sure I did the job right." He frowned. "Luckily for them, there are some of the older members who still understand..."
He was clearly angry. Funny, she had a flash just then, of Gunther clad in priestly black, staring down the entire Council.
"There was a time in the Past when a man's Word was his Bond." Gunther almost growled. "When Honor meant something."
He swung the riding crop through the air hard.
"This current generation, they don't believe a thing without seeing it with their own eyes. Fraulein Renauldi and her bunch..." He walked to her side. "I do believe they wanted to make you the next Internet porn star."
"Fucking bitch," Eden muttered.
"A fitting term for that one, though it may insult dogs." Gunther smiled. "As I suggested, you would do well to get on that one quickly."
"Yeah, I'm going to have to think of a suitable...Owwww!"
Eden yelped!
While she had been distracted by what the priest had been saying, he'd gotten into position where he could give her ass a spank with the crop. The blow had surprised her, more than hurt. She still had her panties on but the thin fabric didn't offer any protection.
Gunther smiled at her reaction.
"You really have never been spanked before, have you?" he asked.
Eden, face red from embarrassment, shook her head no.
"I feel somewhat..." He shook his head, chuckling. "I'm not sure what."
He slide the leather tip across her ass softly.
"I feel almost used."
Gunther pulled the crop back, then hit her on the ass again. Eden winched.
"Like hiring a skilled brain surgeon to remove a splinter."
He hit her ass again.
"Overqualified for the task," he muttered.
Eden felt anger herself for a moment, at the implied insult that she wasn't worth his time but then he spanked her again and she was focused on more immediate concerns. If the priest felt the job he was doing was beneath him, it didn't show in the way he did it.
The blows stung but not so badly as to be unbearable. Painful sure, but Eden almost wondered what the fuss was all about. Slowly Gunther spanked her, working his way across her buttocks. As he did, Eden found her breathing getting deeper and deeper, almost in anticipation to each blow.
Minutes went by as the priest spanked her, and Eden could feel her ass getting warmer and warmer with each blow. Soon her whole ass was glowing. It was almost pleasant she thought. It stung, yes and hurt but not terribly like his earlier punches. The sensation worked it's way around her hips and soon Eden felt a strange tingling in her crotch.
Damned, she thought, I'm getting turned on by this!
The pain got greater as the flesh became sensitive to the blows. Yet the pain only made the pleasure better. Eden closed her eyes and sighed. Her clit was a stiff point rubbing against the silk of her panties. It was almost enough sensation but not quite. When Gunther's next blow struck her, she pushed her ass back against the strike.
She moaned at the pain and pleasure the harder blow caused. If that felt good, what he did next nearly made her cum. Gunther stopped spanking her.
She wiggled at the lack until she felt his hand on her ass. Eden gasped, for as warm as her ass had felt, to feel his hand slowly stroke her buttocks, it felt to her like a hot fur covered glove caressing her flesh. She pushed herself back against his touch, breathing in great gasps.
"Please..." she whispered.
Eden felt then his other hand, slide itself along her ribs and then to her front. His hand cupped her left breast at the bottom and softly squeezed it through her bra. She moaned. Her breasts had been so far untouched and now that he lightly felt them, Eden's body shivered.
Gunther let his hand reach upward and grazed lightly across her bra. Her nipples were stiff hard points pressing against the silk. When his fingers touched them Eden shook all over.
"Please..." she whispered again.
The bra had a front clasp, and Gunther with quick deft movements opened it. The cool basement air on her flesh just added to her excitement.
"You vampires..." he said softly, his breath in her ear almost a caress. "Such sluts."
One of his fingers touched her left nipple. He slowly moved it around in a circle, stroking it. The finger was rough and callused, yet Eden had never felt anything so enjoyable as him stroking her then. Her whole body quiver on the razor's edge of a orgasm, one she just knew would shake her to the core.
Then he was gone.
Eden nearly collapsed, hanging from the bonds around her wrists. She gasped, her body limp, nearly weeping at the desire she felt. Eden would have sold the soul she no longer had, if Gunther would have only let her cum then.
She heard him over at the table, doing something.
Eden moaned, her legs quivering at having yet again been taken to the edge of pleasure and denied. She tried to wiggle her thighs back and forth, tried to cross over the edge herself and finally cum but she couldn't. The way she was spread and bound prevented her.
The blow surprised her out of her lust.
Gunther reached back and hit her with the flogger a second time.
Both blows had been across her lower chest and the priest had been right in his description, they were like solid blows of a fist, pushing the breath from her. Worse, the many strands stung her skin like fire.
His third blow took her across her naked breasts.
Eden screamed!
He hit her there three more times before he paused.
"Did you think it was all tease?" Gunther asked, swinging the flogger slowly.
This time the strands of leather hit her belly, at the waist band of her panties. Most above, but some licked across the top of her sex. Eden's body jerked. She tried to turn away but the priest hit her there again.
And again.
He kept at his work, striking the front of her body from silk covered crotch to naked heaving breasts. And unlike the touch of the riding crop, the glow she felt as her skin was whipped was not a pleasant thing. No rosy glow to incite desire.
Minutes passed as he beat her, then he slowly began working his way around to her back. When he got to where the pole was in the way, he concentrated on her legs. Leaning in, he hit the tops of her thighs. Sometimes the strands would kiss the tender flesh of the inside of her leg, and once the tips caught her right at the top, stinging the flesh near her sex.
That brought a scream and another pause.
Her chest heaved as she tried to breath. Even though the basement was chilly, sweat dripped from her skin. The pause made her shiver. Gunther was behind her and she couldn't see him. She could hear him though slowly panting from his exertion.
The pause dragged on and on, and waiting became it's own form of torture.
"Shall we continue?" Gunther finally whispered.
Eden closed her eyes, waiting for the blows. She didn't have long to wait.
His first blow was across her back and he worked his way up. One blow caught her under the upheld arm and licked forward. Eden moaned as he did it again, this time further. Several strands touched the side of her breast. He shifted to the other side and did the same there.
Then he shifted his aim and hit her ass.
Eden screamed again.
He gave her just a couple of spanks before moving lower to strike her legs from behind now. First the left leg then the right. Soon Eden was hoping from one foot to the other, the pain of the blow making the leg struck unable to support her weight.
Then he was back to her ass.
The earlier pain from the riding crop had but her ass was still sensitive. The blow of the flogger hurt like bloody hell. Gunther kept at it, hitting her over and over across the ass. It was too much for the fabric of her panties.
They ripped, baring the red flesh to the chill air.
Another pause.
Eden hung there, much of her weight on her wrists, for the repeated blows to her legs had them cramping and unable to bear her. She heard him walking back to the table but she was so exhausted she couldn't look up to see what he was doing.
Pain exploded across her mind.
She screamed!
Pain struck her again with a crack. Eden pushed her head up through sheer force of will.
The priest stood there, now holding the long thin whip. He flicked it back and then struck her with it. The leather wrapped itself around her body and the tip hit her stomach. The pain was incredible. She'd been burnt once in a fire and this was all that and more. Sharp and focused where the whip touched. Worse, she clearly felt the burning sensation as it opened her skin. began to drip from the blows and scent the air with coppery promise.
Gunther struck her again.
She screamed!
All thoughts of pleasure were gone as Eden tried to do anything she could to get away from the kiss of that whip. She pulled at her bonds, straining with all her might, trying to get free.
The priest hit her again.
Eden jerked and jerked.
He hit her yet again.
Eden jerked and jerked, each time pain her body to recoil.
He hit her once more.
"Oh please God!" she sobbed. "Stop, ..."
Gunther walked up to her hanging form, smiling.
"I said you'd call to God when I used this on you."
"Please," Eden gasped. "Don't..."
He looked at his watch.
"There is not much time left for this session," he said. "If you can hold out for a bit longer, then..."
Eden understood the promise. Could she endure Hell for the pleasure of Heaven?
"You have 10 seconds to decide."
She was gasping, the pain of that whip still etched starkly across her mind. Could she endure more of that horrible pain?
Did she have a choice?
"Now Fraulein!" he ordered.
Eden barely nodded, accepting the deal.
Gunther smiled and flicked the whip back in preparation. When the leather touched her flesh, Eden screamed!
She hung unmoving from the shackles around her wrists. It had seemed like an eternity of pain, yet now that her mind had a rest, it had probably not been more than five minutes. Still she was so drained she couldn't stand. dripped from dozens of cuts, streaking her sweaty form in red.
Some of which were on her naked breasts. The priest hadn't restricted his blows to just her lower body. A few had been across her freshly spanked ass. She'd screamed her throat raw at those strikes.
Many of them had hit her across the back and then the chest. Her flesh was flayed open at the repeated blows. Here and there bone actually showed, where multiple strikes had cut her deep to the ribs. Those wounds slowly closed, her natural ability to heal repairing the damage.
What it could not do was heal the scars on her mind. Eden had just gone through the worst thing she'd ever experienced, and yet, the night was not done. The priest still had several hours to work his worst on her before it would end.
She understood then why he'd said she had the option to end it with the knife. The pain of the beating coursed in waves and waves across her bound hanging body.
Eden felt gentle hands on her neck as Gunther helped her raise her head.
"Drink," he said.
She expected water but was surprised. The cup he put to her lips held .
Warm sweet succulent !
Not much though. Eden greedily gulped the small amount down. It fired the demon in her body and set her flesh to tingling. She sighed, the pain of the whipping and the pleasure of the washing over her. She licked at her lips, savoring the taste and wanting more. Sweet and thick though there was something different about it.
"Now then, Fraulein," Gunther asked. "I made you a promise, didn't I?"
Eden looked up. The priest was standing near the table, slowly stroking his arm below the rolled up sleeve. There was a fresh cut on it, that quickly closed. Eden realized then, that the he had given her to drink, had been his own.
"I promised you pleasure, didn't I?" he said.
He walked over to stand before her.
"Would you finally like to cum?" he asked.
She gave a soft gasp, as his hand caressed her stomach below her breasts. His touch on her open wounds, now closing, set electric shocks through her flesh. He leaned in until his mouth was right next to her ear.
"Would you?" he whispered.
Eden sighed.
With first one hand then the other, Gunther softly caressed her flesh. Slowly the wounds closed, the stopped dripping, the fiery pain she felt ebbed, and turned into pleasure.
She gave a gasp when his hand touched her breast.
He took them in his hands, the fingers stroking her lightly, until they found her nipples. Nipples stiff and hard. Gunther leaned down and blew his breath across them. The warm air was like a lover's kiss.
Taking one hand, he slid it then slowly down her shaking form. A bound and shaking form. Eden pulled against her bonds urging him to go faster but he didn't.
Her fangs dropped from the roof of her mouth and even that small pain was a joy.
Down, down his hand slid until she could feel its heat almost touching her sex.
Then it was.
Eden moaned.
Gunther let his finger press against her, like the knife had earlier. He pressed upward, and the lips of her sex opened, wrapping themselves around his finger through the silk. He moved that finger back and forth, lightly touching her.
Slowly he pressed upward, slowly he stroked her.
Eden's body shook at the feather light touch and then she felt it, her orgasm, long denied, long teased to almost, almost there, rolled up from inside her tortured body.
"Cum for me, Eden," he whispered.
She screamed in joy, wept in pleasure, and finally...Eden came!
  • 9

Story Saturday - Eden's Nightmare Part 3

Things begin to heat up...enjoy.
"Here," Gunther said. "Drink."
Eden was of a mind to refuse but she was thirsty. The priest held a small cup of water and after a moment Eden relented and put her lips to the cup.
"Go slow," he said.
Eden drank the water down. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was, what with the attack and now this.
"More?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Why do you do this," she asked after drinking her second cup.
Gunther seemed surprised at the question.
"It needs to be done."
"Me?" she asked.
"No, no," the priest chuckled. "You are an innocent of politics."
He walked over to set the empty cup on the table.
"The job," he explained. "This job. It needs to be done."
He looked at her trying to put his thoughts into words.
"See Fraulein, what is the promise of Heaven, without the retribution of Hell." Gunther picked up the knife. "People must know that when they do wrong, will be enacted. That bad things have consequences. Without that we have chaos, and in chaos Satan wins."
"But I didn't do anything wrong!" Eden yelled.
The priest shrugged.
"I never said the system was perfect..."
Eden shook her head.
"I'm so fucked," she muttered to herself.
Gunther walked around the table to stand before her.
"Who knows what the night may yet bring, Fraulein..." The priest was standing oh so close to Eden, and then almost idlely, he let his free hand drop to her stomach.
"The Templars never required a vow of celibacy from their monks."
Gunther's finger went round and round across her naked flesh and Eden's body vibrated at the touch. Those fingers dipped lower and lower until they ended up at the waist band of her exposed panties. His hand stopped then, just a mere short inch from her sex.
"You were due some pleasure this time, were you not?"
The little finger of his hand slid under the elastic of her panties. It was a mere inch from the top of her sex and Eden sighed at the touch. He wiggled that invading digit slowly back.
And forth.
Going lower, and lower.
Eden pushed her hips up, hoping against hope the priest would just do it and touch her there so she could cum. Moments stretched out as he teased her.
His watch buzzed.
Ten minutes gone so fast.
"We'll have to continue this later," he said, removing his hand.
This time, the priest didn't tease but went at her disrobement mechanically and with speed.
He cut her pants off, still pricking her legs as he cut until he had each leg opened to the waist. He paused then, and let her stew, going over to take another drink of water. Eden was two cuts from being almost naked from the waist down and his almost indifference to what he was doing to her was maddening.
Gunther set the cup down, then slice, slice, her favorite leather pants were tossed in a corner with her boots, like the trash they were.
The priest gave a chuckle, shaking his head
"In my time a young woman had some modesty," he said, looking at her. "There would still be so much left to cut off."
Eden wore a pair of those sexy boy shorts so many woman wore now. In truth it was her first pair, recently bought. Dark blue and almost sheer.
He took the back of the knife and slide it between her legs. Eden froze. He pressed the steel upward and Eden felt it press against her sex. Gunter gave it a side to side wiggle until it wormed its way between the lips of her pussy, under the thin fabric. Gunther moved the blade slowly back and forth, rubbing her with it's hardness. Eden moaned at the touch and could feel an orgasm fast approaching, then he was gone.
Eden screamed and cursed the priest.
He just smiled.
"It's not that time," Gunther said. "Now is the time of pain."
He cut her hard, running the sharp edge down her chest along the ribs. flowed at the cut. The smell was overwhelming, and her fangs finally dropped. She snapped and snapped at the priest, fighting her bonds.
Eden would have ripped his throat out had she been able too.
He back handed her face hard. So hard she saw stars and almost . While she hung there limp, he ran a finger across the cuts, wetting it with then in a quick evil movement, smeared the across her lips.
Eden regained full consciousness with the bright smell of fresh streaming into her brain. She moaned and licked at her red lips in eager yearning.
"Time we whipped a bit of that sass out of you." Gunther said. He wrapped his fingers into her butchered blouse and with a jerk, stripped her of that too. She hung there then in just her bra and panties.
"Yes," he said coldly. "Time for the whip."
Shaking her head, she trying to regain some measure of control. The on her lips was maddening though. After all the tease and pain, without any real relief, her nerves were firing like rockets.
It just rolled out of her.
Eden screamed at the top of her lungs in pure frustration! She jerked and fought her bonds, cursing the priest and the Church and the Houses and anyone she could think of remotely involved in the situation. She cursed herself, she cursed Aireanna, who was at the root of her perdiciment. She struggled and cursed for several minutes until finally she collapsed, shaking with anger and lust.
The priest just stood there unimpressed at her tantrum.
"If you are finished?" he asked. Eden just glared at him, breathing hard. He chuckled and shook his head. "Shall we get started, then?"
He picked up the big flogger and the smaller coiled up whip.
"Do you have a preference, Fraulein?"
"What?" she gasped, not sure what he meant.
"Which one would you like me to use on you first?"
"I have a choice?" she asked.
Eden straightened.
"You want me to pick..."
"Yes, please." Gunther said. He set both down. "Most Inquisitioners wouldn't give you the option, but fair is fair, considering your situation."
He walked around to stand before her.
"Have you never been whipped?" he asked.
Eden slowly shook her head.
"Oh, that's what Mistress Seaside meant..." The priest laughed. "She said I might find this assignment particularly educational."
Eden silently cursed Aireanna and her humor.
Gunther stood there looking at her near naked form for several moments, almost in thought it seemed to Eden. She had a tiny sliver of hope, looking at his face, that she would actually survive the night. This one had a sense of humor but would that be to her advantage or not?
"I will explain then," he finally said, clearly coming to a decision.
"The flogger hits a bigger area of your body." He reached behind him, picking up the mass of leather. "The many strands spank in a wide hard blow."
He swung it slowly back and forth.
"It can be like the punches to your back I gave you earlier were. Hard and intense."
He set it down and picked up the smaller whip.
"The single tail," he snapped it forward, uncoiling it's length. "You will call to God when I use this on you."
He gave it a flick and it cracked like an old time bull whip!
"It tends to wrap around your body and the pain is sharply focused since the area it strikes is so small." He rolled it back up. "It also has a habit of breaking the skin so it can be a bit bloody."
He gestured behind the table.
"I also have a riding crop, a paddle and several thin birch canes." He crossed his arms. "Canes are like the single tail, they strike a smaller area and usually they break the skin." He seemed to consider it. "Riding crops are nice for the beginner, though I will warn you, your bottom will be quite red once I use it on you. The paddle, well you understand that, I assume."
He gave a small nod.
"So, which one?" he asked. "Which one shall I beat you with first?"
  • 12

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Guys, just to clarify, if you've never spoken to me before, either via comments here on my stream or in a private email, PLEASE do not post a video of you stroking your cock. I will delete them as soon as I see them.
I'm on record as not liking penis pictures as avatar picks, and having total strangers post links on my public stream to them jerking one off, turns me off.
You know what the most sexy organ on your body is?
Your brain...
Try impressing me with that organ and keep the other in your pants.
  • 13
the world would be much better place,if there were few more girls(women) like you
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Story Saturday - Eden's Nightmare Part 2

The vampire Eden's torment continues....enjoy. Father Gunther smiled and turned the vibrator off, setting it on the table. "Let us get you ready then," he said. "And get you out of those clothes." He came over to Eden, taking the back of her chair and pulled her rearward. When she looked to either side she noticed something. Gunther or his agents had been busy. There were two thick poles now anchored to the floor. One to either side about three feet apart. Their ends were attached to broad six inch plates, now bolted firmly into the concrete of her basement's floor. Eden looked up and saw they were also firmly attached to the ceiling joists. Large one inch bolts drilled through the thick wood. She leaned her head further back and noticed there was a like sized pole across the two horizontally, about three feet above her head. Gunther squatted behind her and Eden felt him work at her left hand. There was movement, then it was free from what held it to the chair. She'd been expecting this first opening, and gave a hard twist, putting the entire strength she had into breaking free. There's a thing about the fabled vampire strength. It can only do so much. A vampire is about three times as strong as a comparable human. Eden, a woman of five foot four, and let's be honest, not a muscle bound gym babe but curvy with a pound or two on her frame, definitely had her limits. Especially when she was still tied tight on the other three limbs. Add to it Gunther's strength. Were's were strong as well. Easily matching a vampire's advantage over humans, and truthfully were usually stronger. Vampires were creatures of lust and sex, weres were beasts of and chaos. A vampire's advantage was alway that they retained their intelligence when they fought. Were's when pushed, became such mindless beasts. In the end, Eden was just a small woman, and Gunther, a large, strong and physical man. He easily pulled her arm upward and bound it to the bar with a large clip. Her sleeves had been unbuttoned and her wrists now had some sort of shackle on them. He did the same with her other arm. She tried to fight him then too, for all the good it did. Eden was getting worried. He leaned down, and his voice rustled the hair around her ear. "I'm going to raise you now," he said. Damned, why does just his voice turn her on so much, Eden wondered? Gunther went to her left side. There was a handle on the crossbar, where it meet the uprights. He grabbed it and gave it a turn. Eden felt her arms rise a couple of inches. He smiled and began turning the handle in earnest. Her hands rose and she was upward. Very worried! Things were getting so out of Eden's control, and honestly, she didn't see any way to stop it. Her masochistic fantasies were become so, so real. Gunther kept cranking until he had her three quarters standing. Though because her arms and shoulders were level with the back of the chair and her legs were still a foot or two forward, tied to the chair legs, Eden was to arch backwards uncomfortably. She gave a small moan. He stopped then, and came around behind the chair. Eden felt his fingers around her waist. It was almost erotic the way they slide down her sides. He held her firmly for a moment or two. "I'm going to pull the chair back," he said. He gave a sharp jerk and Eden found herself suddenly counter balanced. Where she had been leaning back, she now was leaning forward. She was onto her toes and the chair, her legs were still tied to, was off the ground and on to it's front two legs, the back leaning against her butt. She hung from the bar by her wrists. Either he or one of his assistants had removed her boots while she was . They lay over in one corner. She still had on her socks, a good thick pair, so she wasn't bothered by the chill on the concrete but it didn't give her much in the way of traction. Eden wiggled her toes, trying for purchase, but too no avail. She felt the priest, his hands on her lower back, then lower, roaming across her butt. Her leather pants were tight and no doubt, he enjoyed the feel. Eden groaned again, the strain on her wrists was heavy. "My don't you look so good," he whispered. "Tied up, waiting for the whip." Gunther moved to side and again, grabbing the crank turned it several times, raising her off the floor until she was standing straight. He again went over behind her back. She felt his hands on her left leg, getting it loose from the chair. This was her second opportunity. She gave a kick and for a moment broke free of his grasp. She squirmed and tried to turn, hampered by her other leg still tied to the chair. Tried to strike! Tried to kick! He hit her hard in her lower back. It was a classic kidneys punch, and one that shot pain up her back. Eden groaned and pivoted, her hands tied above her head. The chair fell over and she got a little purchase with her knee. She lashed out with her leg again and felt it connect, hitting him but not with much force. He punched her hard, in the lower back again. Fuck that hurt! She moaned, swinging from her arms. He hit her twice more! It took a couple of minutes for the stars to fade from Eden's eyes. When she got a hold of herself, she could feel his hand, twisted in her long red hair. He gave it a hard twist, pulling her scalp and twisting her head to one side. "I own you bitch," he growled. He let go of her hair and knelt. As she gasped for breath, he tied her left leg off to the vertical pole. It took him no time to do the same to the other leg, tossing the chair across the floor with a vicious throw. Eden was now tied tight and standing spread, waiting for his worst. "We will begin in earnest then," Father Gunther said, breathing . Glaring at her, he lifted the wicked knife from the table. "Your clothing, first..." He walked around the table and stood before her. "I'll tell you a ," he said. "One professional to another." Laying the knife against the first button of her blouse that was buttoned, he flicked the knife and cut it off. "Men," he said, "Are best stripped by force." He cut the second button off. "It's more humiliating for them that way." He cut the third button off. "Woman," he said. "For them, it's worse to make them remove their own clothing, while we watch..." He cut the fourth and final button off her blouse. It flapped open, exposing her blue bra. "It's a shame we can't do that with you." He slipped a finger into the strap of her bra between her breasts, pulling her forward. She thought he was going to cut it too, but instead he laid the tip of the knife against her chest an inch or so below her cleavage. Gunther pressed the knife against her skin until it cut, oh so shallow. , bright red weld up around the shiny steel. "There's a lot of pride in you." He slowly slide the knife down her body, cutting her. "Pride that needs to be gotten rid of." Eden moaned, from the pain and from the smell of the . Gunther chuckled at her obvious excitement. Then he slapped her. "You vampires are such sluts," he said, shaking his head. "Fuck you," Eden hissed. The priest backhanded her hard. "Mind your language, bitch!" he ordered. "The night is still young and I'm just getting started." Eden shook her head, face stinging from the blow. She could taste . He walked slowly around her until he was behind her. For long moments he did nothing, then Eden felt one of his hands on her. Gunther slowly caressed her body through the silk of her blouse, running his hand up and down her stretched form. She shivered at his touch. A moan so wanted to come out but she held her tongue. His hand wormed its way into her long red hair. "We need to get this out of the way." Eden felt fear then that the priest meant to cut her hair off. She remembered tales of Inquisitioners shaving the heads of the women accused of witchcraft and she realized that humiliation was well within the limits of her Scourging. Strange though, Gunther for several minutes just ran first one hand, then both, through her hair. He must have set the knife down. Then he did something even stranger. Eden felt his hands divide her hair and begin to braid it! He'd braided long hair before, she thought, for it took just a short time before he had a long tight braid done up. She felt a stiff jerk and then a pull from that braid. Firm pull towards the ceiling. She tried to turn and look, but the pressure prevented her. She made a guess that the priest had woven a rope or some such into her hair, and that he had it tied off to the ceiling. "Much better," Gunther whispered into her ear. His hand grabbed the bottom of her blouse at the back, and Eden felt him pull the fabric tight. With one long slice, he cut the blouse apart all the way to the collar, where he stopped. She felt the cool air on her exposed flesh and shivered when she felt one of his fingers slide itself slowly along her spine. Eden sighed, pleasure at the touch making her tingle. That teasing finger became a full hand, that lightly caressed her at the waist. Then that hand slid its way around her side to rest on her bare stomach. Gunther slowly rubbed her in small soft circles, each one going lower, bit by bit. His little finger brushed the top of her pants and he stopped his hand there. He moved his hand slowly from side to side, that little finger slipping into the top of her pants to tug against the elastic of her under garments. Eden let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She gave a little jerk, suddenly feeling the cold steel of the knife on her back. With the tip, Gunter scratched her skin, not hard enough to cut but enough to get her attention. The snap of her pants was undone. So focused on the knife, Eden hadn't noticed Gunter's hand on her pants, opening them. She felt an added tug and then he slid the zipper open too. His palm rested on her sex, the heat of it clearly felt through the open pants and her thin panties. Eden moaned. Gunther chuckled. He pulled his hand from her pants. "Not yet," he whispered. Eden jerked against her bonds when he pushed the tip of the knife into her at the middle of her shoulder blades, to the left of her spine. It was a sharp sting of a cut. Gunther drug the knife downward, cutting her back with the steel. He went from shoulder blades to lower back. Then he did it again on the right side of her spine. Two long cuts he made on her back. The coppery smell of fresh split made Eden shake. Gunther took hold of her blouse at the right sleeve. It took him quick seconds until he'd cut it open to the collar. He did the same to the left sleeve baring both arms. She felt then a pull at her bra but he didn't cut it open. He just gave her a small shake. "Let's get those pants off you now," he said. He walked around until he was standing in front of her. The priest smiled at her, fingering the knife. "Wait, wait," Eden stammered. "Hey, I really love these pants, can't (https://sex-porn.cc/') we make a deal or something?" He smiled. "Oh, come on..." she said, almost pleading. "You know how long it takes to break a set of these in, don't you." Gunter just shook his head as he knelt at her feet. Taking hold of her left leg, he slipped the knife under the cuff of her pants, edge out. He pushed upwards until it got tight, then just a bit more. Eden felt the tip of the knife dig into her flesh. Looking up at her, Gunther smiled and gave the knife a hard jerk. Eden grunted. The knife had sliced the leather open but also, the tip had cut her, drawing . He slide the knife into her pants leg again, until it was tight. Again the hard jerk. Again the pants were cut. Again she was cut. Gunther kept at it until he had the left leg of her pants opened to the knee. Then he turned to the other leg. Eden bit her tongue and stayed silent while Gunther had destroyed her clothing, but she was mentally cursing to herself like a sailor with thirty years in the Service. She really liked those pants! Bound wrists and ankles, she could do nothing but watch. The sharp pokes by the knife tip to her legs were painful but not so bad Eden couldn't push them to the back of her consciousness. After all, she'd had almost a hundred years of undead life, many of them in dangerous professions, and she'd had all manner of injuries. Most of which she'd had to just ignore to get the job done. Still they hurt. What was more distracting to Eden's situation was the little drops of the cuts caused. which scented the air in a maddening way for her. Vampires were so sensitive to the smell of . It was their life. The cuts on her back had stopped . Vampiric regeneration was a great thing at times but the tiny cuts to her legs keep the smell alive in her senses. It made her nervous and excited, and set the demon inside Eden to mentally pacing back and forth like a starving predator next to a fence. A fence behind which lay a fresh and steaming . Add to the frustration, it was just enough to almost trigger the Change. Her muscles kept clenching and the top of her mouth hurt. Eden's vampiric bloodline was one that sported a single pair of upper fangs which dropped when she fed, and there was just enough stimulation to make them want to drop but not enough for them to come forth. Her jaw ached in waves that kept her on the ragged edge of desire and pain. The smell of the made her mouth water with eager expectation, and the pain she felt mixed with the joy of soon spilled combined to make Eden's whole body tingle. She twitched every time he made another cut. Gunther chuckled at her, seeing the effect he had on her. He got her pants opened to just above both knees and he stopped for a moment. He slide his free hand inside her butchered pants, and cupped the back of her left calf, sliding his hand up and down. The touch sent electricity up her body and made her jerk against her bonds. Eden shook her head, feeling the restraint of the rope through her braided hair pull her head back hard. Even that pain seemed to excited her! She'd joked to Aireanne about her fantasies during that night, confessed desires in a moment of revelry, yet never in her deepest fantasies had she ever imaged the sheer naked desire that would take her when she was tied at another's mercy. Eden groaned when she felt Gunther's hand slide slowly upward, to caress the sensitive area behind her knee, her hips jerked forward, wanting him to go further with his touch. She was on the edge of an orgasm again and wanted it with her entire being. She gave a soft throaty moan. Gunther chuckled and removed his hand. He stood and walked away. And Eden moaned again, this time in deep disappointment... It took her several moments to calm down to the point she could look at the priest. Gunther was standing next to the small laundry table. He held a plastic cup in one hand, sipping from it. He reached behind himself, and Eden saw a small pitcher. He lifted it and poured water into his cup. Eden recognized the pitcher and for some reason that made her feel even more . The pitcher was from her kitchen. Strange given she was tied and was being stripped in her own basement, in preparation to her Scourging. For some reason though, the thought Gunther had been in her kitchen made her mad. Her anger help to clear her mind for the sensations the destruction of her pants had caused. "Would you like a drink?" he asked. "Fuck you," Eden softly hissed. The priest just smiled. He took a drink from the cup, then set it down, picking up the knife again. "We'll cure you of that sass, yet." he promised. Gunther walked slowly towards her, knife in hand. He smiled as if considering what to do to her next. Eden watched as far as she could as he walked around her until he disappeared behind her, then she looked forward. The rope in her hair kept her from turning too far. And she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much she dreaded what he had in store for her. Eden gritted her teeth and stared forward, silently defiant. Defiant until she felt his touch. The priest must have set the knife down, for Eden felt both his hands slide themselves under her tattered blouse, touching the naked skin of her sides. She shivered, feeling the roughness of his fingers. He stood so close to her she could feel the heat of his body. Suddenly the watch on Gunther's wrist buzzed. "Most interesting," he whispered in her ear. "Time for the other half of your ." His hands left her. He walked over to the table, setting down the knife. "Time for some pleasure..."
  • 9

Story Saturday - Eden's Nightmare Part 1b

Eden flipped her head, tossing her long red hair out of her eyes, and stared at the priest.
He was unpacking a large suitcase, pulling several things out onto the small card table she used for laundry. At the moment he had a large length of coiled rope in his hand. He just looked back at https://sex-porn.cc/ and with measure.
"Would you?" he asked.
"Not that your kind often do." he said, laying the rope down on the table. "But I always offer."
"God loves all of his . You only have to ask." he continued. "He will forgive you of your sins."
The priest pulled out a mass of black leather. It had a silver T-handle, and when he flipped it downward, Eden could see it was some sort of flogger. It had dozens of thin leather strips, almost five feet long. She shivered when she realized, he meant to use that on her.
Eden swallowed.
"Hmmm?" he asked.
"Would that get me out of this?" she asked, with a small hopeful grin.
"No," he grinned back. "But it would save your soul."
He set the flogger on the table.
"Can I ask you a few questions instead?" she asked.
The priest pulled a thin bit of braided leather from the suitcase. Long, thin and with a clustered tip of several strands. He wound it into a small loop next to it's short handle as he just looked at her.
Finally he nodded.
"Tradition allows it," he answered.
Eden knew she didn't have much time, so she considered what she needed to know. "Who are you?"
"Ohhh!, how discourteous of me, Fraulein Sands."
He closed the suitcase and set it on the https://sex-porn.cc/ around the table, he stood there looking down at her.
"I should have introduced myself." he said. "My apologies."
"I am Father Gunter Wind," he nodded. "Lay Brother of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon."
He made the sign of the cross over his chest.
"I will be the one Scourging you tonight."
It took Eden a few moments to remember the reference. She was no scholar, but she did like a good movie on a cold winter night. "The DiVinci Code" had been a good one, she'd even picked up the book to read on a long stake out she'd been on.
"You're a Templer!" she realized.
He nodded, picking up another suitcase and setting it on the table. "Yes, the Church welcomed us back several centuries ago." He brushed at his black vest self consciously. "We were never heretics, no matter what the French King said."
He muttered a curse, that Eden thought was German.
"The Brotherhood just understood that some touched by evil, could still be good soldiers of the Lord. That caused problems. The Church wasn't as understanding then." Father Gunther said, with a shrug. "Now we few who are left, serve the Church in what ever fashion we can. Secure in the knowledge we do the Lord's work and that the Holy Land will one day be ours again."
Eden wondered how old he was. Weres weren't immortal like vampires, but they aged very slowly. Father Gunther could be speaking from experience about what had happened to the Templer Knights.
"Why is the Church involved in this?" she asked.
He smiled softly.
"The various Houses couldn't decide on a Inquisitionor." he explained. "Those who supported Merryweather, were deemed to lenient. Those supporting Renauldi, too harsh. Those in the middle didn't want to piss off either side."
He walked behind the table. "Someone knew I was in town," he opened the suitcase. "And I was offered as an impartial third party."
He drew a long rod from the suitcase. It has wrappings of leather around the handle, and a sharp point at the other end. Perfect for heating.
Eden shivered.
"The Church agreed, when approached on the matter."
He set the iron down. Then drew a second just like it out.
Eden thought hard.
"What are you limits?" she asked.
Formal things like these always had limits and you could live or die by them.
Father Gunther held the iron in his hand and slowly ran his hand up and down it. He looked at Eden, tied up and . Eden could almost feel the heat on her flesh when he would be using it on her.
"Limits?" the priest gave her an evil smile. "What make you think I have any limits to what I can do to you?"
Eden felt her face flush and she heard him chuckled at her fear.
"Sorry, Inquisitioner humor." He shrugged after a moment. "We love to tease you all a bit before we start."
"Bad habit," he admitted. "No doubt I'll be saying some Hail, Mary's when I next confess."
Eden let out a relieved sigh. As relieved as she could considering she was still tied to a chair in her basement, about to be tortured and whipped. Damn him, this priest had a sense of humor. She almost liked him for that.
"The limits of this Scourging were fairly specific," he said. "You are to be until the first rays of Dawn." he looked at his watch. "About six and a half hours now."
"I may not inflict sufficient to cause your death, though you may ask for that mercy at any time during the proceedings." Father Gunther reached into the suitcase before him. Eden gave a small gasp as she watched him pull a wicked dagger out. He fingered the edge and Eden caught the scent of as the edge cut his finger. He put the finger in his mouth for a second.
"I may not damage your face." he said.
He chuckled again.
"That was hotly contested by House Renauldi, but surprisingly even many of their Allies balked at that." He shook his head.
"Politics!" He spoke it like a curse.
"The young Fraulein Renauldi was there at Council, being quite the shrew, I heard." He shook his head again. "I do not think many approve of this thing, even among Renauldi's supporters."
"That will be to your advantage, when you seek ." He said. "If you survive, that is."
"You wouldn't consider just sitting here all night and talking?" she asked. "I won't tell, if you don't."
Father Gunther smiled and shook his head, laying the knife on the table. "Further, you are to be , in measures, 5 to 1. House Seaside was most insistent on that."He reached into the suitcase again. "That to is to your advantage. A periodic break for both the Accused and the Inquisitioner, keeps things from getting out of hand."
If what she'd seen so far come out that suitcase were scary, what he pulled out then shocked her truly.
"I am also to give you pleasure," he held up a long pink vibrator. "As well as pain."
He flipped the switch on the bottom, and the vibrator commenced to buzz.
"This could get very interesting," he admitted. "For both of us..."
(to be continued next Saturday...)
  • 8

Story Saturday - Eden's Nightmare - Part 1

Something for Halloween. Enjoy, S Consciousness came slowly and with much protest, each tiny movement of her body bringing pain. A soft moan escaped her lips before Eden realized how bad the situation was. She was sitting, tied up and . She couldn't remember how she'd gotten there either. Eden let the breath slowly escape and went limp. Eyes still closed she tried to take stock of her situation with her other senses. "Tink!" It was the sharp sound of metal hitting metal. "Tink!" Like something dropped into a hollow bowl. "Tink!" Some time must have passed, Eden thought, for her bladder was full and she felt the need to pee. She started to remember then, of the attack, though not the battle's final moments. It must have ended badly, Eden realized, give her situation now. She tried to give the most subtle of flexes, to test her bonds but what ever held her, held her tight. "Tink!" Eden kept her breathing slow and measured, trying to pretend that she was still . She'd been held before and if she could just wait for it, an opportunity often opened up. She heard someone in the room sniff several times. "Ah, Fraulein Sands," a deep male voice said. "You are awake, we can begin then..." From the way his voice sounded he was 10 or 15 feet away. The room had a slight echoy sound to it. And it felt a little damp and cool. Eden tried to pretend she hadn't heard him. Wasn't conscious. Measured breathing was the key. Head hung down and her curly red hair all around her face, she concentrated, just breathing in, then out. In, then out. She was a bump on the log. Insignificant. If you could conjure a quiet place they often screwed up. Enough to get you free! "It won't work with me," he whispered in her ear. "But I give you points for trying." Then he chuckled, his breath stirring the hairs on the back of her neck. Eden felt real fear. She hadn't heard him move to her side, though she heard him when he move away. She got the impression he meant her to. With her hearing that he could move that fast and that quietly meant he was something very dangerous indeed. It started coming back to her then. The attack... She'd picked up a check from a client that day for a job recently done. A big check. Twentyfive thousand in fact! For someone who juggled payments just to keep the electric and gas on, that kind of wealth made her dizzy. She worked in the city but lived in the country. The drive was long but the quiet made it worth it. She'd pulled into her gravel driveway with a sigh of relief. Thinking of new foot wear, something leather and with 4 inch heels, Eden got out of the car. She just stood there for a moment enjoying the early evening night. She really knew better than to let her guard down like that, though her lapse could be forgiven. Nobody had made it personal lately. Nobody had ever hit her at her house. "Tink!" She heard the noise again. "Tink!" "Almost finished," she hear him say, with a tint grunt. He chuckled again. "By the Holy Spirit, you are quite the good shot." "Tink!" There was real admiration in that statement. Eden opened her eyes and looked up. First impressions were usually the most true, Eden had always found in the long, dark century since she'd been turned. She had grown up a liberated woman of the Roaring 20's, out going, fun loving, and had gotten to know people in all their variations before that fateful night of pleasure and pain that had changed her forever. The long years since had just refined the skill. First impressions counted for alot with her. Later she was always able to fill out the corners of what a person was, detect the lies and masks they wore, but in that first quick glance, she could often sense just what was at their core. What she sensed at the core of this man when she first saw him, put the cold caress of fear up her spine. A hard man, ready for hard tasks. Razor sharp was the crease in his black pants, shoes polished bright. While he wasn't wearing a shirt, his bare back had a rigid posture, ram rod straight. Military in bearing. He had short cropped hair of blond. Older, maybe in his fifties. Well muscular but not in a body builder kind of way. Still one that radiated strength and purpose. Maybe just shy of 6 feet tall. Broad of shoulders. Slender of hips. Attractive in his way. All this she noticed first, but then she looked closer and saw the scars. They criss crossed his back and shoulders, some weathered with many years, others looking weeks old. Pink scars across tanned flesh. Pink scars cut deep. There was something odd about them, she could not place at first then she realized, the scars ran up and down his back vertically. Like the hand that had given them, had been his own. That hand came into view, holding a pair of forceps, bloody at the tips. He let something drop from them into a small stainless steel bowl on the workbench before him. She realized then they were in her basement. That gave her a bit of hope. "Tink!" More of the attack came back to Eden. She'd reached into the car for her coat and when she came out there was a man, dressed in black military, standing on her porch. He raised a big barreled gun. She recognized the net gun, and dove to the side as he fired, reaching into her coat for her own gun in its shoulder holster. She'd taken it off when she'd gotten in the car.This could be awkward, she thought, frantically trying to pull it free. The net whizzed past her missing by just a few inches. Eden had her pistol out, a Baretta 93R machine pistol, and fired a single shot his way. It hit him square in the chest and knocked him back, though he kept his feet. Damned, the easy access to bullet proof body armor these days, Eden cursed. Not like the old days, when you shot someone, they stayed shot. Out of the corner of her eye she saw three more just like him charging towards her, boxing her in. Eden went for her ace in the hole. Or this case, ace in the pocket of her coat. She popped the pin with one finger, counted two and tossed the flash/stun grenade she always carried straight up. It got eight feet or so off the ground, then exploded with a huge crash of sound and light, stunning even her, though Eden was expecting it. The four attackers catching the blast full in their faces, staggered and went to their knees. Eden lurched to her feet, groggy and tried for the nearby trees. Maybe she could lose them in the woods around her house. She knew the area, they would not. But she remembered something else then of the attack! Of something covered in blond hair and moving with a predator's fierce quickness, charging her as the men lay stunned. The machine pistol in her hand, ripping a continuous stream of three round bursts, bullets striking the horror's chest dead on, yet not slowing it an inch. Nineteen rounds in a quarter as many seconds she put into that charging horror, before the slide of her pistol locked back, empty. She was reaching for a fresh magazine of ammo when a large arm hammering her to the ground. Over and over, hitting her, until mercifully claimed her. "Tink!" Blond hair the same color as his! Eden watched as the man set the forceps into the bowl, then took a hand towel and wiped his hands and chest. "Now, Fraulein Sands, let me get dressed." The man said as he turned. "And we will be about the Lord's business tonight." Her eyes were drawn to his chest, where there were several raw puncture marks. As she watched they slowly closed, growing smaller. There were perhaps a dozen others now almost healed, leaving pink spots. The sharp coppery smell of fresh came to her sensitive nostrils, and that's when she knew the true core of him. Lycanthrope! The Were reached for the white shirt hanging over a nearby chair, putting it on. He looked at her, just watching as his hands buttoned the shirt all the way to the top. His eyes were a arctic blue, very focused. And if discovering just what held her was bad, what he did next sent the cold stab of real fear straight into Eden's chest. He put the black vest and white starched collar of a priest of the Catholic Church on... * * * * * * "It has been brought before High Council this day," the werepriest said, reading from a piece of all things, real parchment, that he held before him. "In a Matter of Honor between House Renauldi and the feral, Edan Sands..." Ferals, that's what the Great Vampire Houses and their members called those, like Eden who chose to live outside the structured rules of vampire society. Who chose to live on their own and make a Life outside. Eden had always liked that image. Of a wild dog, free and hunting. Beholden to none. Most of the time it didn't matter if you weren't affiliated with one of them. The Houses left you alone, preferring to play the games of politics and obligation they played between themselves. After all there was always room on the edges as long as you didn't cause waves, and get noticed. The Houses feared that the most. Being noticed. They ruthlessly policed vampires that strayed across the line and too often. And they were not nice about it either. No one wanted a return to the Old Days where humans hunted their kind. And to, at times it was even beneficial for both sides to have a few outside the lines. Beneficial for the Houses when deniability was useful. Beneficial for Eden, because they paid well and remembered their debts. Both paid and unpaid. As a free lancer, Eden had worked for several of the Houses, doing odd jobs and such. She owned a small detective agency and specialized mostly in missing persons. If the movers and shakers in the Houses were willing to tolerate a vampire unattached, they still expected loners to obey their rules and submit to their decrees. Yet matters with Ferals were usually handled in Low Council, Eden remembered. Kind of like "traffic court of the night". A ranking member of a House as judge, and members as advocates for and against any accused. That this matter was being handled more formally, in High Council and with the Heads of each House sitting in, meant big trouble for Eden. And if this was between House Renauldi and herself, then that trouble meant Lilith! Lilith was daughter of Jean Pierre, head of House Renauldi, and a spoiled bitch of a daughter too. Cute and shapely, eighteen (real years). Thought the world revolved around her, and thought her wealth and position brought her immunity from her actions. Paris Hilton with fangs... "Petitioner for House Renauldi further asserts that the accused's actions were so grievous as to merit the of death and dismemberment." The priest paused, looking at Eden over the top of the parchment. He gave a small smile, and Eden gulped, worried at what he was about to say. "Advocating for the accused, House Merryweather, disagreed," the priest continued reading. "Pointing out that the injured party herself was still alive." Not for my lack of trying, Eden thought. Maybe that was the trouble. Lilith had survived... All vampires recognize the right of self defense and death in a fight with another vampire was honorable. They weren't a werewolf pack with its alpha male after all. They were civilized killers. More like the Japanese samurai, often fighting single combat for honor. Honor to House vampires was everything. That Lilith had gotten away to cry to Papa had been a understandable mistake at the time that was now coming back to haunt Eden. Lilith and her pack of nouveau rich cronies liked to go slumming sometimes, off on their version of a "Dark Hunt", looking for Ferals to beat up and . A bit of spicy mob , baseball bats and knees, stake them out for the morning sun to burn a bit. All good natured fun, mind you. No outright so far that Eden had heard about. Vampires, even Ferals healed from anything less than death, thought they felt the pain certainly enough. In particular, Lilith like to toss balloons filled with Holy Water at you. Nasty trick if you were the vampire hit. A lot of what people thought they knew about vampires was outright untruths and fiction, but Holy Water did burn a vampire. Kind of on the level of hot wax. Stings and leaves you red, but catch a face full and you could be blind for weeks until you healed. It left scars too, that were a long time healing. Exposure to the sun was the same. Vampires got serious sunburns but didn't burst into flames. Less chance of that now, a vampire owned company had recently come up with a great sunscreen cream, SPF 5000. The Holy Water thing always made Eden wonder. Legend among vampires did admit they were of someone other than the Universe's creator. That it was Satan always made Eden laugh. Vampire turned from more modern people were just as blaise about religion as most ordinary folk. Hell, Eden had even gone to Christmas Mass last year, without a bolt of lightning roasting her to dust. Though she hadn't taken Communion. You can only push so far. And if this was about Lilith, then it was high stakes poker too. For the thing with Lilith meant Merryweather was involved as well. Politics between the two great opposing Houses in town, and they had decided to use Eden as the pawn in their power struggle. She was so screwed! "The Council was deadlocked 8 to 8, when House Seaside proposed a compromise." The priest continued to read. "One that was quite interesting." Oh fuck, Eden silently sighed. She REALLY was so screwed... There were Houses recognized in the local power structure. Several like Renauldi and Merryweather were franchise Houses, spun off from their home territories and powerful because of their reach and wealth. Renauldi was European, Merryweather New England America. The majority of Houses though were local. Groups of vampires banding together for protection. Like House Seaside. Though Seaside meant Aireanna... It had started as a group of vampire whores during the Goldrush Days of the late 1800s, House Seaside now controlled most of the lucrative prostitution business from Battery to Vine. You didn't get your cock wet without them getting a cut of the action. Eden had worked for Seaside several times, not as a pro mind you, just taking care of of a few problems as a detective. What was probably about to screw her, was that one night of debauchery she's had with Aireanna. She's spilled a few secrets then, to her hungovered regret. "House Seaside proposed you be Scourged as , according to the Old Ways." The were priests said. "Further, in measures, 5 to 1." Eden just shook her head. See, in that moment of confidence, she'd admitted to Aireanna that she had masochistic fantasies. That she had always wanted to be tied up and . Fucked hard and rough. Looks like she was about to get her wish. Tied up and , that is. She doubted the priest was going to fuck her. More the pity, it had been a dry few months for Eden. She's heard of "Scourging" and laughed it off. Eden wasn't laughing now. Think of the Spanish Inquisition. Think hanging from your wrists while they whipped you good. Hot pokers and the Rack. Medieval stuff, like out of a bad Hammer film. Damned the Houses and the way they clung to the Old, Old Ways. If she survived this, Eden swore, she was just going to someone! "In measures 5 to 1, were then agreed and voted on." The priest said, rolling the parchment closed. "Pain to pleasure, 5 to 1." It didn't matter who, Eden was just going to someone. She silently cursed and really flexed, using all of her vampire strength. The chair creaked but didn't break. The priest chuckled. He had her tied tight. "I chose a strong chair," he said with a smile. "Do you accept the Council's ?" Then with the speed Weres had, he flickered and was suddenly standing next to her, his hand at her throat. Eden felt the sharp prick of his nail at her neck. "Do you accept?" His breath stirred the hairs on her neck with hot sensual pleasure. Eden being who she was, quivered at the feeling and her nipples grew hard just thinking of what he asked. To willingly submit to his domination. The demon within her rebelled, thinking death would be a better choice. The woman inside of her melted with desire. His hand slowly slide down Eden's neck, the sharp nail piercing her skin and drawing a bit of . It smelled so sweet, even though it was her own and fired her being with sensual madness. His hand moved down her neck and across her chest. His fingers lightly caressing her through her silk blouse. She heard him sigh softly in her ear when his palm slid gently across her hard nipple. She sighed herself, almost cumming then and there. Vampires were after all creatures of lust and desire. Somehow he was pushing every button and her body was responding. "Do you submit?" he asked again, softly. He moved in front of her, kneeling between her legs. He took one hand and placed it on her leg. Eden wore leather pants as she did when working. Leather being so protective. And it looked so good too. Yet as his hand touched her thigh, she felt naked and vulnerable to what might soon come. He let his hand slow creep up her leg and Eden shivered, staring into eyes arctic blue. "Do you submit?" he asked softly, staring up. He stared at her like the cruel predator he was, and Eden knew she would get no mercy from his hand. His hand was mere inches from her crotch and she felt herself press forward, almost begging him to touch her there. She felt too, her nails bite sharply into her palms. The pain and pleasure rolling through with almost over whelming feeling. "Do you?" his lips mouthed. Her answer seemed to drag itself out of Eden's very soul. "Yes," she whispered back. "Would you like to take a moment to pray?" The priest asked. "Before we begin that is..." Eden slowly raised her head. Her body quivered in a mix of conflicting emotions. She'd come so close to actually having an orgasm just from his touch. She felt like she needed a cigarette or something. Her panties were wet. She'd only meet one Lycanthrope before and he hadn't had this kind of effect on her. But then it had been at formal dinner. Kind of "Hi, let me introduce..." She hadn't know he was Were until later, when one of her acquaintances had mentioned it. That one had smelled...Different. Different from the priest. He smelled of . He smelled of sex.
  • 7

Story Saturday - "This Is Only A Test!"

One of my long term projects is a reimaging of the classic "Dr Jekle and Mr Hyde", but told from a female prespective. This has lead me to explore some rather out there subjects. This is a rather borderline posting, a subject many of us would not want to raise, still we are here to test our boundaries aren't we?
Do old Silence a favor tomorrow, would you please…
someone for us.
Now amusing gasps almost heard in disbelief aside, trust your sinful Muse. For trust once asked, is trust not lightly squandered. If we ask you someone today, then reasons are as dear as dread the deed. Bear with this request and perhaps the knowledge gained from your trusting bloody task will enlighten both us and thee.
In an earlier quote posted we said, “Just because we take lives, doesn’t make us gods. Just predators.” How true for know the world is full of predators doing ungodly work. At this very moment, in the time it has taken you to read that quote, someone on this planet has someone else. Bright red , sharp and quick.
Human life is cheap, that’s the fact. Something so many “civilized” people don’t want to accept. Well at times old Silence doesn’t like the law of gravity (what it’s done to our figure should be a crime). Our dislike for that bothersome force has about as much effect on it, as does those gentle folks’ dislike of the Law of the Jungle.
Civil, civil fools one and all. You can be either predator, or prey. Ask yourself which one it will be for you?
Eyes, facing front. That’s how you tell.
Its one of the ways to see who is prey, and who watches from the tall grass. Eyes, facing front. A predator’s eyes are set in the front of its head, close together, and create an overlapping vision that allows it to judge distance and depth more accurately. A predator’s eyes face forward to help predators make the pounce. To make the .
By contrast, prey’s eye placement gives it a greater field of vision but less depth perception, which makes it easier to spot motion or the movement of a nearby predator. They are on the side of their head to help prey know when to run.
Too many people should have their eyes where their ears are. Too many people are really prey. Fat stupid sheep, ready for the slaughter. Happy to eat their meals and .
Learn to look on Life with eyes facing front. Learn to look on the herd like a predator ready for the .
Back to our simple request…
Next time you go to the grocery store, instead of rushing in, rushing out, take your time. Walk around the watering hole. Do it slowly, watch the herd. Be the stalking predator in the tall grass. Consider if you had to just one, who would it be?
Before you say you would not , remember this is just a virtual test. One with no pass, one with no fail. We don’t wish you reading with hands bloodied for real. Just a silly what-if for your new re-education.
A simple glimpse with eyes, facing front.
Consider if we ask, is there someone you would die for? Lover, husband, or wife. If Death was there and you had the chance, would you accept the sickle’s cold sharp kiss in their place? You’d probably answer yes. Most people have such person in their Life.
Now suppose THIS darkly dream of dread. Were we holding the knife, the pretty, pretty knife to that one’s throat and eager for the cut, would you bargain with the Beast then? Suppose it’s not YOUR life the Beast wishes in exchange for walking away, but someone else’s?
Could you make the deal then? For your answer to the Beast would doom one or the other to the knife, and leave you to live with guilty dreams to haunt your .
We all can if pushed buttons are the right ones pushed.
So tomorrow take the test. Walk the isles slowly, slowly, watching the herd. This one? That one? Which ever one catches your stalking eye. Before you leave the exit door, look at one particular one, and choose.
Say quietly to yourself with eyes, facing front, “If this were for real then tonight I’d feed on you.”
Be Predator, never Prey…
  • 16

Story Saturday - "Hurricane Ride"

With a hurricane in the Gulf this week, I thought this a good story to post as we wait to see if Sylvia Chrystall wins the PH Amatuer Video Contest and I have to post the tale of my virginity and its loss. Writers, I'm going to start adding some hints on technique at the end of the stories, showing you tricks you can use to make your own stories better. Enjoy, S HURRICANE RIDE Betsy's nipples poked hot points into Bob's back. Standing behind him, the big titted blonde used him like some sort of six foot playtoy on her friend Mary Lynn. Another big titted southern girl, only a brunette, she lay moaning before Bob on one of the restaurant's tables. Outside the rain pounded the tin roof of the small cafe. Alice, first hurricane of the season, moaned as if asking to join in the fun. Bob gasped as Betsy took his hips and slammed him forward, burying him balls deep in the hot brunette. Mary Lynn's eyes rolled back in her head with pleasure. Her moans were deep and throaty. "Oh you handsome stud," Betsy moaned into his ear as he fucked her friend. "Do you have the case files I asked for?" Bob snapped out of his erotic daydream with a start. Mr. Dulle stood in the doorway of Bob's office. The senior partner had apparently been there for some time. Bob grabbed the needed folder and handed it to Mr. Dulle. "You know Bob," Mr. Dulle said with a frown. "You haven't been worth a damn since you got back from your vacation." Since my vacation, Bob thought as Mr. Dulle walked away. And what a vacation it had been! His first in over . Bob's car was in the shop for a new transmission. He was driving a loaner home, stopped at a red light waiting for it to change. That's when he saw the motorcycle shop. Bob pulled in without thinking. The shop was small and smelled of oil and new rubber. One motorcycle in particular caught Bob's eye. It was a European thing, all high tech crotch rocket, fined tune for one thing. Speed! Bob swung a leg over the seat and grabbed the handlebars. The bike seemed to quiver beneath him impatient to be on the road. The salesman walked up with a smile on his face, almost as if he knew what Bob was feeling. Maybe he did because when Bob handed him his credit card and said, "I'll take it", the salesman just nodded. As he rang up the sale, Bob's eye spotted a red and black leather jacket and matching open faced helmet behind the counter. Those were added to the bill with another nod. A quick call to the auto shop let them know where to pick up the loaner car. A second, to the office, let them know he was taking a vacation, then Bob was headed east out of Houston, the wind in his face and the throb of 1100ccs of iron between his legs. When he turned onto the interstate and opened the throttle all the way, rocketing into traffic, he yelled like a barberian warrior going into battle! The first day was magnificent. The countryside of Texas and Louisiana slid past in scenic splendor. On the second day he stopped in New Orleans to buy some extra clothes and other travel goods but didn't stay. Too many tourists for his liking. He continued east. On the third morning the sky clouded over. By afternoon the rain was pouring down. The long stretch of Florida panhandle was deserted. The rain came down in sheets. Bob had to find shelter. The small cafe was an answer to his prayers. Turning off the road, he drove the motorcycle right up onto the cafe's porch. The wood was slippery and when he stopped, the bike slid. Its front wheel hit the door, knocking it open. Seeing a chance, Bob rode inside. He pulled a few feet into the cafe and stopped. Behind him a heavy gust of wind caught the door, banging it hard and bounced it closed. Bob the bike's engine. lowered the kick stand to rest the bike and then just sat. It was a relief to be out of the pounding rain. He felt as if someone had taken baseball bats to his body. It took him several minutes to work up the energy to climb off the bike. Suddenly he was blinded by bright light. "Hold it right there mister!" There was the unmistakable clackclack of a shotgun. "Real slow now, take that helmet off and let's get a look at ya'll." The voice was feminine. Real feminine. Soft and warm, even with the obvious threat, words spoken with a rich Southern accent. Bob carefully undid the helmet. "Doesn't look dangerous," said another voice, also female. "I'd say handsome, in a drowned sort of way." There were giggles. Bob put his hand up and tried to see past the light. "I needed shelter," he said. "The rain..." The light came out of his eyes. In the backroom doorway stood two figures. One held an oil lamp, and turned it up. The woman with the shotgun was a tall brunette. Hair of rich brown, it hung off her shoulders and down her back. She wore cutoff shorts and a white tshirt, tight across ample breasts. They pushed firm nipples against the thin fabric. The flashlight which had blinded Bob earlier shone down her side, illuminating long shapely legs. The other woman, holding the oil lamp was not as tall as her friend. Her golden blonde hair was just as long, framing a pixie face. She wore a red terry cloth robe and a mischievous smile. Her figure, though , looked just as lush and full. "Mind if I sit down?" Bob staggered two steps and collapsed in a chair. "Poor thing's all tuckered out." The blonde came forward. "Get some towels, Mary Lynn." The brunette, Mary Lynn, disappeared in back. "Name's Betsy." The blonde introduced herself, setting the lamp on a nearby table. "Let's get you out of those wet things before you catch your death of cold." "It always rains this hard?" he asked. Betsy giggled, helping him off with his jacket. "Hurricanes do that, silly." "It wasn't supposed to come ashore." "That's why they name hurricanes after women," Betsy smiled. "They change their minds at the damnedist times." Mary Lynn returned with an armload of towels, tossed one to Betsy and set the rest on the table with the lamp. She knelt at his feet and began to remove his boots. Betsy unbuttoned his shirt, then pulled it off. She began to work on his hair with her towel. Mary Lynn got his boots off with effort. Betsy had dried his hair and was toweling his neck and shoulders. Bob felt a hand at his belt and looked down. "Let's get these off ya'll." Mary Lynn ordered. Soon he was sitting in the chair, naked except for a towel thrown across his crotch. It felt so good to just sit there and let the two women work on him. Betsy was drying his chest from behind, her arms draped over his shoulders. She smelled of jasmine and her breath was warm in his ear. Her nipples were firm hard points running up and down his back. Her nipples! Bob came out of his relaxing daze with a start. Betsy was standing behind him naked. "You wouldn't want me to get my clothes wet?" she asked grinning. "Would ya?" Bob started to say something, when he felt warm fingers slid up his leg under the towel and wrap around his cock. The towel slid off his lap and warm fingers were followed by moist lips. Bob turned to find Mary Lynn's head buried in his crotch. He could do nothing except moan. It was all so unreal. minutes ago he was getting the kicked out of him by the rain, now he was sitting here receiving one hell of a blowjob. Mary Lynn bobbed her head up and down, taking his cock deeper into her mouth with each stroke. Her hands were working overtime too, massaging his legs and playing with his balls. "She's got one talented mouth, doesn't she?" Betsy whispered in Bob's ear. Her big breasts mashed against his back. "She was using it on me, when you interrupted. We always have a little party whenever a storm comes to town." Bob could only moan in answer. It felt as if his brains were being sucked right out of the end of his dick. Mary Lynn was bobbing her head up and down faster and faster. Bob reached down and wound his fingers into her beautiful mane of hair. As his orgasm explode he pulled her head firmly into his crotch. Spurt after spurt he unloaded down her gulping throat. Mary Lynn pulled her mouth off of his cock with a big grin, but continued to stroke him with her hand. "You want some of this?" Mary Lynn asked her friend. Betsy nodded, coming around from behind Bob. She threw a shapely leg over his lap. Grasping his hard cock, she centered it between the lips of her cunt. It was wet, and slid down his length easily. With a moan she began to fuck him. Her breasts were big, firm and right in Bob's face. He pulled her forward and captured one hard nipple with his mouth. He sucked on it and nibbled with his teeth. After a minute he released it and went for the other one. Mary Lynn was not sitting this out. Bob felt her tongue licking his balls as Betsy rode his cock. As erotic as the whole thing was, having come once Bob felt he could hold out for a while before coming again. Not so Betsy. The way she was slamming herself down upon Bob's cock, she clearly meant to come soon. And come she did, with hooping and hollering to do a cheerleader proud. She shook and quivered, mashing her large breasts into Bob's face. "You've got to try some of this, Mary Lynn." Betsy said after she had a moment to calm down. "Get up on the table so he can fuck you." Mary Lynn smiled and did just that. Laying down on one table, she spread her legs wide and beckoned. Betsy climbed off Bob's lap and grabbing him by the cock, lead him to her friend. She took his cock and aimed it at Mary Lynn's cunt, rubbing the head between the moist lips. Once she had his cock firmly planted, she took his hips in her hands and shoved him forward, burying him to the root. It was wildly erotic, Betsy using him to fuck her friend. Bob for his part, reach down and played with Mary Lynn's breast. Big and firm like her friend's, though Mary Lynn had bigger nipples. Bob twisted them between his fingers, making them harder than they already were. Betsy let go of him, and slid down his back, to kneel on the floor. One hand carressing his ass, the other reached between his legs to fondle his balls. Bob groaned, then groaned again when her fingers left him. It was Mary Lynn's turn to moan as Betsy began to play with her clit as Bob fucked her. First the clit, then back to Bob's balls, Betsy worked them both over. It wasn't long before Mary Lynn came with a great shudder and some soft screams. And still Bob's cock was stiff. It didn't end there. The girls dragged Bob in back, to a large wide bed. Betsy surprised him by pulling out several dildos. They had been having quite a party before Bob had shown up. He watched while they took turns fucking each other with their toys. The three of them made love on the bed. They made love on the floor. They even went outside in the pouring rain. Bob fucked Mary Lynn on the picnic table in the back yard while Betsy sat on her face and let her friend lick her to several screaming orgasms. They exploded while the rain pounded down and wind shook the palm trees. Afterwards they warmed up with a hot shower, Bob soaping the two girls down then fucking them both on the floor of the shower. It was like Eros, the God of Love, had recast his cock in rock hard marble. And Bob was going to use it! Sunlight awoke Bob three days later. The hurricane had passed. Bob knew it was time to go. He kissed both girls as they lay together in that tossled bed , then mounted his bike and rode off into the sunse That had been six months ago. Bob sighed. Maybe some music, he thought, turning on the small radio in his office, would help him concentrate. "...and the Astros won eight to four in last night's opener of the World Series. Expect sunny and warm, for today's game," the radio announcer said. "Not like the Gulf. Looks like the Florida is going to get another drenching. Hurricane Helen is heading for the Panhandle. Going to be quite a storm in a day or two." Bob smiled to himself, picking up the phone, and dialing Mr Dulle's secretary. "I think its time for another vacation." This weeks story introduces what I like to call the "punctuating paragraph" writing trick. It is a way to highlight and focus attention within a story. To either slow down or often speed up the tempo of reading. As an example, during the section where Bob sees the motorcylce the origional wording was this: "The shop was small and smelled of oil and new rubber. One motorcycle in particular caught Bob's eye. It was a European thing, all high tech crotch rocket, fined tune for one thing. Speed! Bob swung a leg over the seat and grabbed..." Now go back up and reread the new format, where "Speed!" is its own paragraph. Doesn't that highlight the thought. The imagry? Just like that, lol. You can use this trick to focus a reader on an idea, theme or action that you want to stick with them. To set the mood of the followon text. It is a useful trick you will see me use often in my tales. Go back to your writing and see where this trick can improve YOUR stories. The best story ideas in the world can be ruined if you don't be mindful of formating, pacing and timing. As you write always imagine yourself around a camp fire, "telling" the tale. Speaking it out loud. In fact that is a very useful way to tell if your formatting is working, to read it out loud. Pause at the end of each paragraph. Your reader will. You will often find natural breaks in the naritive, which you should incorportate in the story. More next week...
  • 15

Story Saturday - "Chance Encounters"

Its Story Saturday, so here's one of my older pieces. New stuff will have to wait on a ton of legal briefs and depositions, I've had to deal with this week.
Every writer of erotica eventually does a story like you are about to read. That type of woman in it, is perfectly fitted for a sexy story or two.
I won't spoil it for you by giving away the ending but this story earned me an actual written rejection slip from Hustler magazine. Their norm is a photocopy telling you it wasn't want they wanted. They didn't buy the story but the editor did invite me to send more stories in. He liked my style and my take on these women. I sold a couple of other stories to them later.
"Damned elevator!"
The young man muttered to himself, for he was the only one in the hallway. A glance at his watch showed eleven, he had been waiting over minutes. Chicago is called the Windy City, and for the last few days it had lived up to its name with a . A storm off of Lake Michigan had brought rain, sleet and snow, with a chill which cut through to the bone.
He pushed the Down button again several times.
He did not want to walk down flights of stairs, but he might have to or risk being late for work. Not that he would mind being late for work. Born and raised on a farm, he'd had a flare for computers. Good grades in college had lead to this job here. The first month had gone well, then last week he had been transferred to the midnight shift. He didn't like it. A life time of waking at dawn, he found himself tired and out of sorts at the change.
His only consolation had been Her.
She had been there his second night, riding the elevator down. He had tried not to stare. He didn't quite succeed. Tall with shoulder length hair of golden blonde, her pale skin the color of fine china, light blue eyes like arctic pools and red lips begging for a kiss, she had that truly erotic beauty which made you catch your breath in disbelief.
Standing to one side, his bold glances had not bothered her. Instead she seemed to except them as her due, like some pagan goddess fit for worship. She wore a long fur coat. Through the open front, he could see her body. It was sheathed in a white evening gown that clung to every sensuous curve.
Before he could think to speak the elevator stopped, opened onto the lobby and then she was gone.
A twenty slipped to the old doorman had yielded some information. She was a new tenant, of less than a month. His night at work passed quickly, for all the young man could think about was Her.
She was there again that next night. This time he tried to speak. Nervously, "Hello" was all he said. She nodded back, nothing more. There was a hint of a smile on her lips, amusement perhaps at his hesitation.
Before he had the chance to say more they were at the lobby and she was gone again.
The storm came that night.
Standing in his office looking out, he had cursed himself. He never had trouble talking to women before. Walking home in the snow, he resolved the next night would be different.
It had been, for she had not been there. Nor the next, nor the next.
Three days he lived with the feeling he had missed his chance at heaven. The young man pushed once more at the elevator button, then turned towards the stairs. Just as he reached them, there was a ping and the elevator door opened. He got his arm into it before it closed again. He noticed it was occupied as he entered.
"Damned thing takes forever," he said. "I wouldn't want to miss it when it does show up."
He realized who was there.
The door closed and the elevator started down. He could not believe his luck. Quick he thought, say something. Don't let her get away this time. Standing in one corner, she looked straight ahead. She wore the same long fur coat, this time pulled tightly closed around her.
"Terrible weather the last few days," he said.
She glanced his way and seemed to considered him for the first time.
"Terrible weather," he said again.
* * *
The three days of storm had been hard, keeping her trapped in her apartment. The hunger she felt was a gnawing thing which disrupted her normal calm. She bid it to be still for the elevator ride would be short and then she would feel the freedom of the night.
She recognized him from a few days before. Another tenant, she thought.She could sense his attraction.
He wore a brown turtleneck sweater, which fit his strong body well. He had a heavy coat over one arm. Most women would find him handsome, with his black hair and brown eyes. There was humor in those eyes and a youthful confidence about him. Had she not a personal rule against neighbors, she might have been tempted.
She had no qualms with teasing him though.
Smiling slightly, she leaned back and let her long coat open to show him what was underneath. "Yes," she said, wetting her lips with a bright pink tongue.
"Terrible weather we have been having." she whipered.
In tall high heels, her long perfect legs were encased in silk stockings that clung like a second skin. Lace garters pulled tight across her creamy thighs held those stockings up. Tiny transparent panties barely covered what lay between those thighs. The corset she wore above that, laced up the front, pulling her waist tight and thrusting her breasts forward. Just a hint of nipple showed.
Except for the string of perfect pearls around her neck, she was clothed all in red.
He let out a small gasp.
"What a girl really needs on a cold night like this," she said softly. "Is someone who knows how to warm her up."
Suddenly there was a lurch and the elevator stopped.
* * *
"What the hell," he exclaimed.
The overhead light flickered and went out, leaving them in darkness. That lasted only a moment before a weak red emergency light kicked in.
"I think perhaps, that the elevator has broken down," she said, pulling her coat closed.
For several minutes they stood there in silence, each hoping the elevator would somehow fix itself.
Above the door the floor lights flickered back and forth. First six, then seven and back to six. Finally the young man went to the panel and began pushing buttons. Soon all the floors were lit. Still nothing happened.
"Try the telephone," she said.
He opened the small door below the panel. Pulling out the receiver he laughed and held it up for her to see. Five inches or so down the cord was cut. Some vandal had been there before them. Shaking his head, he put it back and closed the door.
"Might as well get comfortable."
He made himself a seat in one corner with his coat.
"Looks like we're stuck here."
"What of the doorman?" she asked.
"He's gone by now," he looked at his watch. "And the morning doorman doesn't get in until five."
* * *
The prospect of spending the night inside this elevator did not appeal to her. It reminded her too much of the stuffy apartment upstairs.
First the storm she thought, now this.
How bad is her luck going to get?
* * *
The young man had thoughts of luck too, but of a different kind. If he had to get stuck in an elevator, who better than a beautiful woman wearing lingerie?
Remembering her brief exposure, he smiled. Though her coat was closed, from where he sat he could see quite a bit of stocking clad leg.
"Some outfit you're wearing," he said. "Where were you going?"
* * *
The gnawing need deep in her gut was growing.
Standing in one corner back against the elevator wall, she tried her best to ignore it.
Not now she thought, not now.
"Out," she said vaguely gesturing. "Nowhere special."
The young man muttered something about being warm and pulled off his turtleneck.
She felt a flush too which had nothing to do with the temperature. He carefully folded up the sweater and opened the front of his shirt, exposing his neck and chest. Her need was rapidly breaking down her reservations. Why argue with Fate, they were together here and now.
His bare flesh beckoned, she wanted him.
If it would still her hunger for a time, why fight it?
* * *
He sat there watching her, wondering.
She seemed preoccupied with something. A professional he thought, one of Chicago's many ladies of the night. He noticed now that she had spoken, her voice held the hint of an accent.
European? Perhaps eastern European. One of the recent immigrants seeking the American Dream. He'd heard many of those young women chose escort work. If so his stay in this elevator might not be so bad.
She seemed to make up her mind about something and turned towards him.
"If we are to be stuck here," she smiled, looking into his eyes. "Then we will need something to occupy our time."
She let her coat part again. Under the weak red glow, she seemed more fantasy than real. With a long fingered hand, she traced the laces on her corset's front. Down, down, down she went until coming to the top of her panties.
He sat there watching, as she cupped her mound with one hand. A soft moan escaped her throat as she gently rubbed, pressing the sheer fabric into her slit with one finger. She stroked herself slowly through the material. She raised her hand to the edge of her panties, then slid her fingers under the top. Her eyes half way closed, and she arched her back.
Her breath caught, then a sly smile came. He watched as the vague shape of her finger stroked up and down.
"I'm so wet," she sighed.
She pulled her hand free. On her finger, he saw the glint of moisture. She brought the finger to her lips and slowly sucked it into her mouth. After a moment she slid the other hand back down and into her panties.
"Why don't you come here and help me," she said.
He crawled over on his knees, taking off his shirt as he did. When he was close, she hooked one leg over his shoulder. The silk stocking had a slick sensuous feel on his bare flesh. He put his hand on top of hers, rubbing with her. Her panties were tied with tiny bows on each side.
Pulling on one string, he let them fall to the floor. Her mound was covered with a short blonde down, which seemed to glow a coppery gold in the dim red glow. He gently blew on the exposed lips, causing her to shiver with delight.
With his tongue he lightly licked, teasing her clit from its fold of flesh. As he did, he probed her depths with one long finger, feeling the wet and sensitive walls, massaging here and there, trying to bring her to a fevered pitch. He feasted on her, drinking her honeyed juices down.
Her moans were music to his ears. Each time that he felt her near a peak, he slowed down not letting her climax.
He wanted her mad with desire.
* * *
She shuddered, pleased he was so skilled. Winding one hand into his soft black hair, she pulled his mouth closer intent on her own delight. For long minutes, she enjoyed his actions but his oral caresses were not all she wanted.
* * *
Taking her leg from his shoulder, he felt her pull him up. As he stood, he paused and pulled the top of her corset down. Her breasts were firm and warm under his hands, the nipples like two small cherries. Taking one between his lips, he licked it with his tongue, bringing it to a throbbing hardness. He did the same with the other.
She moaned and let her coat slide off her shoulders. It fell on the floor around her ankles.
As he played with her breasts, she undid his belt. Soon his pants joined her coat on the floor. Feeling her warm hands touching his flesh made him moan. He pressed closer savoring the pleasure.
Leaving her breast, he locked his mouth to hers. Their tongues darted back and forth. Holding onto his shaft with one hand, she put the other on his back, then lifted one leg and swung it around his waist. This allowed her to point the pulsing tip of his cock directly at her moist slit.
He moaned as the tip made contact.
It felt as if the hungry lips were going to actually suck his shaft into her.
* * *
Now it was her turn to tease.
She rubbed the tip of his shaft between her lips, moistening it with her juices. Holding her hand firmly around his cock, she prevented him from going deeper than the head. Soon he was as excited as her.
That had been her intention.
Removing her restraining hand, she let him thrust. He easily penetrated several inches on the first thrust. Pulling back, he thrust again going deeper. He feed her short strokes until he was gliding in and out of her freely.
Soon he was sinking himself into her to the hairy root. He would pause then and grind his hips, causing his shaft to rotate inside the sensitive walls of her cunt and the top side of his cock to grate across the stiff little protrusion of her clit.
That made her ecstatic and she would either tickle the soft underside of his balls or stab her roving tongue into his ear. His strokes were deep, the head touching bottom each time. She lifted the other leg and locked both around his waist. In this position she was able to plunge herself up and down with all the force of her body.
All thoughts of the storm and the elevator were gone from her mind.
* * *
The young man was sure that he had never have sex this good again.
It wasn't just that her cunt was moist, tight and incredibly hot, and it wasn't that she milked him with talented muscles, though both were true. It was something else.
It was the way she let herself completely go.
She teased, caressed, tantalized and urged every response she could from his body and from hers. Once she felt she had done all she could do, she would start all over. There was something primal about the way she fucked. She acted as if this would be his last time with a woman and meant it to be the best he had ever had.
* * *
She could feel his peak approaching and she matched him stroke for stroke, move for move.
Part of that burning hunger she had felt for days was calmed.
Unfortunately for her young lover, that was not enough.
Down from the roof of her mouth descended two long fangs. They glistened in the pale red light sharp, as if they had already drawn .
Her senses were now supernaturally sharp. She could sense the pulsing through the veins at his neck, and she longed to taste the saltiness of it on her lips.
He had his face in her breasts, licking back and forth on her nipples. She stroked the back of his innocent head, for he had not seen her change.
Suddenly the overhead light flickered on and the elevator started moving down. She covered her eyes at the brightness.
His strokes did not slow.
His cock swelled and pulsed inside of her, he was that close to his climax.
She cursed the light, for she would have to act now!
* * *
"I wonder what could be keeping that elevator?" The old man said to his wife. He pushed the button on the lobby wall again. "Nothing works in this damned building."
With a ping the elevator opened.
Standing in the door was a young woman, her long fur coat pulled tight. She did not exit.
"You do not want to use this elevator. It malfunctioned and I was stuck." She said to them. "If you are wise, you will use the stairs."
The old couple looked at each other. Something about the woman invited no argument. Standing where she was in the door, they could not enter.
"Well, I guess we could take the stairs." The old woman said. "It is only three floors."
The old couple walled away.
Stepping out into the lobby, she watched them go.
"That was close."
The young man stepped out behind her. He finished tucking his shirt into his pants. Even with the elevator stopping at each floor on the way down, there had not been enough time for him to dress before the elevator door had opened at the first floor.
Luckily she had persuaded the old couple to take the stairs.
Together they walked outside.
The winter storm had ended, leaving the midnight sky clear and lit by thousands of stars. The crisp cold air was refreshing. He looked at his watch.
She knew he worked the night shift, no doubt now late for work.
"Will I see you again?" he asked.
She smiled.
He did not know how near death he had been. Now free of the elevator, she could seek other prey. He was safe. Still though, the desire for him was there.
"Yes, we will meet again," she said as she walked away. "And be sure, on that night we will not be interrupted."
  • 15

Case Of The Red Moon - Conclusion

In the night time sky above, the moon had risen. In the cells below, the Beast answered its call. The change began, hair slowly growing from the skin. Bones lengthened and grew. Olaf's muscles cramped and twisted, bringing a cry of pain to his lips. Those lips stretched as well, his face changing to the mask of the wolf. He felt his humanity slipping from him. Olaf screamed his rage up at the moon, falling to the floor of his cell. "Oh my god," was muttered from the other cell. The beast stood and with a flex of broad shoulders ripped its way from the orange jumpsuit. It recognized Gray from past encounters. The smell of fear was strong. It excited the beast and it moved towards the other cell. The bars between them easily bent under its clawed hands. Gray would be its first prey tonight. He would not be the last! O O O At first she fought him. Saberson had the advantage of being on top, and he had the weight. He hooked one arm under her leg, raising himself up on his knees. With the other arm he held her down, hand on her breast. The nipple was stone hard under his palm. He gave her three hard and savage thrusts, slamming himself into her crotch. That brought a groan of pleasure to her lips. "Oh yes," she moaned. "Fuck me damn it, fuck me. He intended to do just that. His strokes were long and deep, his belly slapping her clit with each thrust. With one hand she grabbed his neck, finger entwined into his hair. She pulled him down, her lips seeking his. They kissed long and hard, feeding upon each other like animals. Suddenly Saberson felt her tense. She moaned into his mouth. Her eyes rolled back and she shuddered under him. He felt her orgasm, the muscles of her crotch rippling around his hard cock. He slammed himself into her to the root, grinding himself against her mound. Her pierced clit was a hard point against him. She lay there unmoving for several moments enjoying her orgasm. He had other ideas. Saberson pulled himself from her, and grabbing her around the leather covered waist, he flipped her over onto her stomach. Pulling her back up onto her hands and knees, he intended to have her from behind. He put his cock into her, rubbing the head up and down. This brought another throaty moan to her. She looked back at him over her shoulder, lust simmering in her eyes. "Not there," she moaned. "I want it in my ass." O O O The covered the walls, the coppery scent sharp to its nostrils. The beast let drop Gray's severed head. There was two ways out. The elevator and a set of emergency stairs. With the power out the elevator was useless. The beast suddenly heard the sound of keys in the stairway door. "Everyone ok down here?" The policeman asked stepping out. The bars of the cell door bent as easily as the others. The startled man didn't even have time to draw his gun before he died. O O O At first Saberson hesitated. Then he pulled his cock from her and moved it higher. O'Shay gave a throaty moan when the head came in contact with the rosebud of her ass. He felt it pucker in as he pushed slowly forward, closing itself around him. The head had no more entered when the doctor shoved herself backwards, burying half his hard length in her. It was Saberson's turn to moan. Where her pussy had been hot and moist, her ass was the most fantastic thing he had ever felt. She pulled herself forward until the head nearly came free, then slammed herself back. Two hard strokes and she had him all. Wiggling her hips from side to side, she began fucking herself on him. Forwards and back she went, his balls slapping her clit each time. She sighed and stretched out her legs to get every inch. The pleasure for Saberson was incredible. Wave after wave radiated from his crotch. He could almost be happy just letting the woman do all the work. Almost! but not quite. Reaching forward he palmed her hanging breasts, sinking his fingers into them. Using that for leverage, he pulled her roughly back. He rammed himself into her. "Oh damn yes!" her yells echoed in the small elevator. "Fuck me, fuck me!" Her ass was squeezing and sucking like it meant to chew his cock off and keep it. That was all he needed. O'Shay was in the middle of a screaming orgasm when Saberson came. His body tensed. Spurt after spurt he emptied into her sucking depth. He buried himself in her as his mind exploded with erotic joy, collapsing on top of the beautiful woman. Minutes? Hours? Saberson didn't know how long they laid there. Suddenly the lights came back on, blinding in their brightness. Then Saberson heard a sound that wiped all thoughts of sex from him. Gunfire! "Get dressed." He ordered, frantically reaching for his clothes. "Something's wrong!" O O O Gardner backed slowly towards the outside door, firing as he did. Sacorski beside him was frantically reloading. The two patrolmen sent from Division to transport Gray were both dead. They had been standing beside the downstairs door when the lights had come back on. As if on cue, the door had opened. Instead of Hamilton with prisoner in tow, a fanged and hairy horror had bounded out. Colliding with the officers it struck, breaking one man's arm and knocking roughly to the side. Before anyone could react, the beast had ripped the head from the other officer. fountained to the ceiling. For a moment there was stark silence, then Gardner drew his gun and fired. Sacorski was right behind him. Even the injured officer clawed at his pistol. The gunfire was deafening. One or two shots that missed exploded drywall, but the bullets seemed to have no effect on the monster. Gardner felt the door behind him. He grabbed Sacorski by the arm and pushed him through. "Outside!" he yelled. O O O The elevator door opened. Saberson and the doctor slowly stepped out. He had his pistol out. O'Shay held a small automatic she had pulled from her bag. "A girl has got to have protection," she had said with a shrug. The squad room was empty and deadly quiet. O'Shay gave a small gasp. Next to a shattered desk lay the headless body of one of the patrolmen. His made a crimson pool on the white floor. Suddenly there was gunfire outside. They both ran for the door. The parking lot was ablaze with lights and action. Several new squad cars and a transport van were there. The policemen were out, guns firing. Saberson saw Sergeant Gardner pumping shotgun round after shotgun round at something among the cars. Darting between the vehicles was a blonde hairy shape. It wrenched the door off one cruiser. The policeman behind it fired point blank. The bullets seemed to have no effect. The horror knocked the policeman twenty feet. Then with ridiculous ease it flipped the cruiser over onto the van. Both vehicles exploded into flames. The monster turned. In the flickering firelight Saberson could clearly see it. Gray had been right, for there stood a werewolf. The horror howled once up at the full moon overhead, then ran. "We've got to follow!" O'Shay yelled. Luckily evening traffic was light. They caught up with the werewolf within three blocks. The beast was running down the center of the street, dodging cars with leaps and bounds. Moving with purpose, it seemed to know where it was going. "Get me backup now!" Saberson yelled into his car radio. "Call out SWAT damn it, or get the Army. I don't care but get me some backup." The doctor clutched the door, gun in one hand and a look of excitement in her eyes. Behind them several squad cars, lights flashing, joined the chase. "Look!" she pointed. "It's going into that cemetery." She was right. The werewolf cut across traffic. Cars slammed on their brakes to avoid the beast, several hitting each other in a metal wrenching collision. The werewolf leapt the tall brick wall of the cemetery and disappeared. "Hold on!" Saberson said. He fishtailed the cruiser around stopped cars and accelerated towards the cemetery entrance. The car hit the wrought iron gates square on, snapping the chain and flinging them open. Suddenly the werewolf was there before them. Bloody arms held wide, it crouched in the road. Saberson slammed on his brakes but still hit the beast. It went flying into the rows of headstones. The impact was like hitting a telephone pole. Saberson and O'Shay were thrown forward hard. For a moment both just sat there stunned. Then adrenaline took over. "Stay in the car!" Saberson ordered. "Call in and let them know what's going on." O'Shay was clearly not happy but obeyed. Saberson flung open his car door coming out. The other police cars came roaring in, gravel flying as they stopped. "Watch yourselves!" Saberson yelled as the officers piled out. He walked slowly forward. An eery quiet descended on the cemetery, as everyone looked nervously around. The flashing lights of the cars threw dancing shadows through the headstones. Saberson heard a growling on his left. He spun but did not see anything. He turned back. The monster was suddenly there before him. Towering over him, the werewolf backhanded Saberson with one massive arm. The blow knocked him back and into the air. Everything went black. Boom! Saberson awoke to find himself laying on his car hood. The windshield was cracked under him and something was poking him hard in the side. Boom! O'Shay had a shotgun from one of the cruisers. She stood at the end of his car, firing at the werewolf as it walked forward. All but two of the officers were down. Those were pumping bullet after bullet into the beast. None seemed to have any affect. Boom! Pushing himself up, Saberson slide down the hood. He landed on the gravel hard, whatever it was in his jacket giving him a nasty poke. Saberson reached into his pocket. Click! The doctor had run out of shells for her shotgun. For a moment no one, woman, officers or beast moved. Then the werewolf smiled, raising one long clawed hand. "Not tonight, you hairy bastard." Saberson hissed. He pushed O'Shay out of the way. In his hand he held Gray's revolver. The first shot rang out like a clap of vengeful thunder and hit the monster in the shoulder. Where all the other bullets had passed harmlessly through the werewolf, the silver bullets from Gray's gun blew holes the size of a fist in the monster's hairy hide. It howled in pain and staggered back. Saberson fired twice more, hitting it in the chest both times. It fell forward and tried to crawl away. Saberson carefully followed. Red and was everywhere, matting the blonde hair of the werewolf. It pushed itself slowly up. Saberson fired again, this time hitting the beast in the back. It let out a moanful howl and continued crawling. The werewolf finally stopped beside a pair of old headstones. It flung an arm across the graves, and looked back at Saberson sadness in its eyes. It let out another moanful howl. "It ends here," Saberson said. He raised Gray's revolver and fired. O O O "Everyone is about done." Saberson turned. O'Shay was standing there, the morning sun breaking the horizon behind her. The moon had finally set "Thought I would get a ride from you," she said. "My car is back at the station." "Look here," Saberson pointed. He was kneeling where the werewolf had finally died. In the end, just like legend, it had changed back into a man. Nothing was left to show the beast had been. Nothing but dead policemen. O'Shay came over and knelt beside him. Saberson brushed dirt from the letters in the stone. "Helga Thorgenson, 1885-1913. Johnny Thorgenson, 1906-1913." Saberson read. "Loving wife and son, by a wolf." "That was the name Grey called him." She said. "Think he was related?" Detective George Saberson stood, wiping dirt from his fingers. Thinking of everything that had happened on this night, he slowly shook his head. "I don't think we will ever know." He had used all but one of silver bullets to the werewolf. He took the last one, and put it gently on the headstone. "Come on," he said, to O'Shay. "I'll buy you a cup of coffee and some breakfast."
  • 6

Case Of The Red Moon

Ok everyone, its "Story Saturday" which means a new erotic tale of sex and sometimes . Last week I posted the story which started my erotica career. This week, I want to share the sequel. I wrote it about a decade later, and you can tell its alot hotter and more explicit. I had in mind a series of 5 stories for the adventursome Detective but never finished them. Second half is further down. Enjoy... S ----- THE CASE OF THE RED MOON A low moan of pleasure escaped her lips. She caressed his curly hair, his head nestled between her legs. The feel of his probing tongue sent erotic ripples through her young body. High school sweethearts, they were in the back seat of his car. The summer moon shown down bright and full through the open sun roof. He captured her clit between his warm lips and gently sucked. Another moan escaped her and a hot flush spread across her flesh. Into her moist depths he slid one long finger. Her breath came in gasps and quivers rippled through her. His skillful actions soon brought her to her climax. She felt as if she could float up and touch the moon, so bright and full above her. Her orgasm clouded her mind with pleasure. "Darling," she whispered, coming to earth moments later. Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him. "That's the last time you do that." Puzzlement at her words showed on his face. Backseat had been the extent of their teenage passion. "Do that to a virgin silly." She smiled a wicked smile. Tonight she had decided things would change. "I want you, I want you in me tonight." O O O Under that same full moon, a dark and sinister shape watched the two young lovers. In its heart throbbed a different passion, one for and . It wanted warm flesh beneath its claws, but something held it back. Let them have their brief moment of sweaty lust, it thought. There was still time. O O O "Put it in me," she whispered. "I want you so badly." Standing between her legs, he muttered a soft curse. Sitting up she looked down. He was fiddling with something in his hands obviously aggravated. "Damned rubber," he muttered. "I can't get it on." "I've never seen one." Suddenly feeling quite brazen, she reached for his hand. "Let me see it." She took it from him. Putting one finger into near transparent latex, she saw the problem. In his excitement her lover had been trying to put it on backwards. With one hand she grasped his erect cock. Eager to be in her, it quivered at her touch. She centered the condom and unrolled it down the hard shaft. "Maybe I shouldn't let you have me." She stroked his latex covered cock. "Maybe I'll just give you a handjob instead." He kissed her in way of an answer to her teasing. His tongue entwined in hers and with his hands, he massaged her bare breasts. She broke the kiss and moved his cockhead to the entrance of her virgin cunt. Rubbing it up and down, just barely inside the lips, her excited juices made the tip shiny in the moonlight. He sucked in his breath at her actions. He began to slowly move his hips. Forward and back, the tip worming its way in and out. Excitement radiated from the contact. Her juices flowed even more, preparing her for that thrust that would rid her of her virginity. With one arm he hooked her left knee and pulled her leg up her ankle on his shoulder. He did the same with the other leg spreading her wide. At the end of each shallow stroke the head of his cock pressed against her cherry. Just a light tap, brief pressure. Waves of pleasure flowed through her and she sighed, relaxing. She was surprised at his restraint. Suddenly he lunged forward. The thin barrier of her virginity gave way with one quick tear. The pain was sharp. He let her recover then feed her two slow strokes. Going deeper each time, he opened untouched depths. That lit her mind with erotic joy. He pushed forward until he was buried to the root. The juices that wet his pubic hair was tinted pink. Both ignored that little bit of . O O O The dark and sinister shape had almost made up its mind to seek other prey. Then the coppery scent of new spilt wafted across its nostrils. The smell was a hot iron thrust deep into its brain. Red eyes stared through the tall grass at the grunting couple. It stood and started forward. Perhaps the boy would fight. Long clawed hands clenched and unclenched. Gauging the boy's strong back and bulging muscles, it smiled. It was always good when they fought. The dark shape glided silently through the grass. Or perhaps the girl would run. It chuckled softly to itself thinking of past chases. Yes, better when they ran. O O O The sun had just dipped below the horizon when Detective George Saberson pulled into the precinct's parking lot. He had his pick of places. The lot was empty except for three other autos and a single squad car. Tonight was the last night the old station would be open, tomorrow its doors would be locked for good. The city had consolidated all of the West County departments over the last year into one "mega-station." Saberson didn't care for the new building. It was an ugly block of concrete and glass, and added twenty minutes to his travel time. Moving had taken less time than planned, the only things left here were some furniture and the phones. Since the date was publicly announced, the Chief felt obliged to keep a few people here until the old station was officially closed. Saberson was stuck with this last night's watch. With him were Desk Sergeant Gardner and two patrolmen. Of all the luck he thought, getting out of his car. At least it got him out of Stakeout. Grabbing his jacket he went inside. "You don't understand!" someone yelled. "He has got to die before the moon comes up." Gardner and the two patrolmen were clearly in trouble. Hands high, their pistols lay at their feet. They were held at bay by a dark haired man in his thirties and wearing glasses. In blue jeans and t-shirt, windbreaker over that. He clenched a big silver revolver in a shaky grip. "I'll shot one of you if I have to!" The man yelled, clearly nervous. "Take me to him now." Saberson let the door close softly, careful not to make a sound. Luckily, the man had not noticed his entrance. "Now let us all stay calm," a woman's voice said. "There is no need for . I am sure something can be worked out." She was standing over by the benches. That is why Saberson had not seen her when he had entered. A tall woman easily six foot, she wore a business suit with short skirt, glasses and had her red hair pulled back with one of those large bows Saberson hated. She was beautiful in a cold and frosty way. He didn't recognize her. "You got no idea what you are dealing with!" The man kept moving the gun back and forth. "You think those puny bars will hold him. When the moon rises he'll break free and will you all." Saberson drew his revolver, stepped up and put the barrel to the back of the man's head. "Only going to be one person die here tonight," he growled. "Just depends on how stupid he is." "Oh hell," the man muttered lowering his gun. Gardner and the two patrolmen jumped forward, wrestling him to the floor. They cuffed his hands behind his back and began reading him his rights. "Damned glad to see you Detective." Gardner handed Saberson the man's gun. It was a big .44 magnum. Saberson popped open the cylinder. The bullets inside were strange, not lead but what looked like silver. Saberson put the pistol in his coat pocket. The two patrolmen pulled the man roughly to his feet and hustled him into the back. They would take him to the elevator then downstairs to the basement holding cells. "Who's the woman?" Saberson asked Gardner. "A shrink from Barnes," the sergeant answered. "Here to see the Mauler." "Say what!" Saberson exclaimed. "I didn't know we caught the bastard." "This morning. The Department is holding him here to keep a lid on it." The woman walked up then. "Doctor Penelope O'Shay," she introduced herself. "Are all nights this much fun?" Saberson chuckled, shaking her hand. "Full moon brings out the crazies," he replied. To Gardner he said. "Phone Dispatch and have them send a car for the wacko with the gun. I want him out of here." The sergeant nodded and went to make the call. It gave Saberson a chance to look over the psychiatrist. O'Shay? Irish then. She had those classic Maureen O'Sullivan carrot topped red head, the promise of fiery passion. With her glasses perched on her nose and hair pulled back, she looked like some prim schoolmarm. The way she filled out that business suit made you think of anything but school. "I came to interview the suspect," she said. "Can we get to it? This has been a long day and this hasn't helped. I would like to get home." Saberson nodded and lead her toward the back. "What's the story on the Mauler?" he asked. "The suspect was picked up this morning." She followed him through the empty offices. "Patrolmen answering the call on an abandoned auto." There were two ways down to the basement holding cells, the elevator and a set of stairs, though to use the stairs Saberson would have to get keys from Gardner. He stopped before the elevator and pushed the down button. "What makes them think he is our man?" He turned when she didn't answer him. O'Shay was standing there staring at the elevator like it might bite her, clearly nervous. "You ok, Doc?" he asked. His question seemed to shake her out of her daze. The door to the elevator opened and the two patrolmen walked out. "I'm fine," she said. They entered together. Saberson punched in his code number to activate the elevator, then pushed the down button. She still looked nervous, but Saberson let it ride. "What makes them think this guy is the Mauler?" he asked again. In the past two nights nine people had been , every one of them literally torn to bits. So far the media only knew of three, all found together in a northside condo. "The patrolmen found him nude and asleep in the frontseat of the car. In the backseat were two headless bodies." Saberson let out a low whistle. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. A row of cells greeted them, only two with occupants. "You have got to let me out of here!" the man from upstairs yelled. "The moon is almost up, there is not much time." Saberson ignored him, instead concentrating his attention on the other prisoner. The Mauler was big, that was his first impression. Two fifty, two seventy-five, all muscle. He sat on his bunk, arms wrapped around his legs. He wore one of those orange prisoner jumpsuits. His head was on his knees, long blonde hair hung down hiding his face from their view. "Hello, my name is Doctor O'Shay." The psychiatrist stepped up to the bars. "What's yours?" "Great, twenty questions!" the other man scoffed. "We're all going to die." "Shut up!" Saberson ordered. "Thorgenson. His name is Olaf Thorgenson," the man sat down on his bunk. "Scream that name when he rips your hearts out." "You know each other?" O'Shay asked. "I've been tracking this bastard for twenty states, always just behind him." He laughed. "Now it's all going to end because the cops are too stupid to see the truth." "What truth?" "That Thorgenson is a werewolf!" The man suddenly bolted from the bunk, lunging at the doctor through the bars. Saberson barely had time to pull her back. "He will change with the moonrise," the man yelled. "And he'll us all!" He walked back over to his bunk, laughing softly to himself. Saberson looked at Thorgenson and was surprised to find him looking back. Frosty blue eyes like ice, yet with something else. A great sadness behind them. "Professor Gray is right," Olaf softly spoke. "You should me. Quickly too, the moon comes." Saberson lead the doctor quietly back into the elevator. Neither said a word until the door had closed. "Fascinating," O'Shay muttered. "Yeah," Saberson agreed. "The media is going to have a field day with this ." Suddenly the elevator gave a lurch and stopped. The lights went out plunging them both into darkness. "Now what?" Saberson muttered. A beam of light blazed out. The doctor had pulled a small flashlight from her handbag. Saberson knelt beside the panel and opened the door to the emergency telephone. "Gardner, what the hell is going on? Me and the Doc are stuck in the elevator." Saberson said once the sergeant answered. He listened for a minute just nodding his head. "Well, tell them to hook it back up. We're not going to spend the night in here." Hanging the phone up, he turned. "Union Electric is being just too damned efficient. Somebody told them to turn the electricity off tonight, not tomorrow." Saberson pulled his jacket off and set it on the floor. "Gardner said it will take twenty maybe thirty minutes tops to restore power. Something about the main circuit breaker." "This is not good," O'Shay muttered. Saberson instantly took note. The doctor's voice had a raw edge he had heard https://sex-porn.cc/ just before the person jumped to their deaths off of a high building. "You ok Doc?" "You wouldn't think a psychiatrist would have phobias. of schooling should be good for something." She replied. "Claustrophobia. Had it since I was a . Never been good in small enclosed places. Reminds me too much of the hole I got stuck in when I was eight." He could barely make out her face beyond the glare of the flashlight. It had a stark and nervous look. She started to pace back and forth. Not much room in that elevator. She was like some caged beast. "It was like this, dark and hot." She roughly pulled her own jacket off, throwing it down in the corner. "48 hours I spent in that hole. Damn it, why don't they hurry up." She went to the panel and started pushing the button over and over. Saberson, fearing she would do herself harm, grabbed her from behind. She was shaking like a leaf. "Everything is going to be alright," his breath ruffled her hair. "We will be out of here in no time." She spun around in his arms and grabbed him, crushing her lips to his. Saberson's surprise made the kiss no less sweet. "I need something to get my mind off this damned elevator," she murmured. "Guess it's your lucky night Detective. O O O "Why did you come to St. Louis?" Olaf Thorgenson looked up. The overhead lights had gone out minutes earlier, then one dull emergency light had kicked in. "In all the time I've hunted you," Gray was staring through the bars at him. "You've always avoided big cities." Olaf thought back to the long trail, the times the Professor had almost caught him. If there was anyone who deserved an answer, he did. "I have come home to be with my wife and son," Olaf bowed his head once more to his knees. "I have come home to die." O O O The flashlight cast dancing shadows from where it lay on the pile of their discarded clothing. "Oh yes, just like that." O'Shay moaned. Saberson lay on his back, the elevator floor cold on his bare skin. The doctor straddled his waist, his cock firmly planted inside her. She was stroking herself up and down his hard length. "Hard and nasty," she moaned again. "That's what a girl wants. Hard and nasty." He had been surprised, the prim and proper doctor had a kinky side. When she had peeled her suit off, he had discovered she wore a black leather corset, garter belt and stockings underneath. Pulling down her panties, he found her clit pierced with a single diamond stud. She liked leather it seemed, and something else. She liked to be in control. Taking her pleasure riding his hard shaft, she leaned forward and grabbed his wrists with her hands. She held his arms down, pinning him to the floor. Eyes closed, she buried him to the root in her. She sat there grinding her crotch to his, rubbing her pierced clit against his stomach. Her breasts were inches from his face, the hard nipples poking out over the top of her corset. Leaning up, Saberson took one in his mouth, nipping it with his teeth. "Oh yes, bite them," she groaned. Pushing her breasts forward, she rubbed them across his face. "Suck them, make them ache." Saberson had had about all of this submissive as he could handle. With a growl, he broke free of her grasp. Grabbing her around the waist, he rolled them to the side coming up with the beautiful doctor on her back and him firmly in between her legs. "Now its my turn," he swore. to be continued...
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Email System Is Fucking Up?

Ok anyone else having problems with the email system not accepting replies? Fresh emails work but I've writtten two email replies so far, the the page does is refresh without my reply.
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By day I'm a corporate shark, aka a lawyer, SO I don't skype, or trade pictures. Too many assholes who record such sessions, then post it here on Pornhub. If you ask, i'll laugh and probably ignore you. By night though, I am your fantasy, a red headed latex wearing, riding crop wheeling dominatrix and mistress of men and women. I like nothing better than to warm up a nice bottom with my paddle, just bend over and ask politely.

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