
I like martial arts fighting and feet kicking. If you have the same interests and have private videos of your own feel free to send a request. If you don't have videos at all, keep sending requests without videos I'm into, or anything else that I find just plain annoying I WILL block you. So you better read this word for word. If you see something you like that I posted, chances are that I have some similar stuff. I'm willing to trade videos, I don't upload my entire collection here. If you're interested in what I might have please message me. Also something to note, It's hard to see what videos people have that might interest me when I get requests. I can't always tell from a simple title or thumbnail that it's something I like. So if I accept you and unfriend you right after, chances .) You had nothing that I liked, 2.) You just reposted a video I've seen. (if I find out you repost any videos I uploaded you will be BLOCKED. I payed for some of these and it's not fair you just reupload them)

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