Deleted again! This is my third account. I don't understand Pornhub's policy on posting videos. Every other porn site simply removes a video if it the DMCA. Pornhub seems to think that it makes more sense to terminate users who contribute to their success by actively contributing content. Most "" aren't even real . My accounts and the accounts of many others that I have interacted with, have been deleted because of webcam videos. How many girls or couples from MFC or Chaturbate have actual copyrights on their names, likenesses or images? They have the right to request that videos of them be removed but simply putting up a watermark does not legally copyright anything. I will not add you unless you have at least some original videos of your own. Also, I'm looking for RavASHing103 (aka AshleyBanxxx) from MFC. Instant add if you have any of her b/g vids. Thanks!
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